Moderating reported posts in phpBB 3.0

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Your members have the ability to report inappropriate posts when they come across them on your site. Moderating these reported posts in phpBB is a common task for admins and moderators. Posts can be reported for a number of things but the most common are off-topic or offensive postings. Below you will find instructions on how to access the reported posts list and what to do with them in your phpBB website.

How to moderate a reported post in phpBB 3.0

  1. Log into your phpBB Moderator control panel.
  2. From there, click on the Reported messages tab.
  3. You will see a set of vertical tabs on the left hand sidebar. Click on the one labeled Open Reports to see the list of all open reports. The newest reports should be listed at the top by default.
    reported post information
  4. To review the post content, click on the name of the post in the list. This will open up a page where you can see the entire text of the post. You can edit the post, if needed, by clicking the Edit button in the upper right corner of the screen. In our test case, however, we see the post was reported due to the content being off topic. There is no need to edit the post at this time.
    review post content
  5. The action you take on a post depends on you. In this case, we will either simply move the post to a more appropriate topic or delete the post if it does not fit in any other topic. In our example we will simply delete the post as there is no other topic to which it belongs.

    After taking your desired action, you can terminate this report by either clicking the Close report button or the Delete report button. For our example, we will click Close report, moving it to the Closed reports list. This list can be seen by clicking on the Closed reports tab on the left hand side.
    list of previously closed reports

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