Change your Favicon in PrestaShop 1.7

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A favicon is the 16×16 icon beside the website title in your browser tab. Although many content management systems (CMS) require you install a plugin or upload the favicon file manually, PrestaShop allows you to do so from your admin dashboard by default. You can use our free favicon generator tool or an online service such as favicon-generator.org to create one. Below we cover how to upload a favicon to PrestaShop 1.7 in your admin dashboard.

Change your Favicon

  1. Login PrestaShop.
    PrestaShop login screen
  2. Select Design, then Theme & Logo.
    Select Theme and logo under Design
  3. Select the Favicons tab.
    Select Favicons tab
  4. Select Add Files to upload your preferred favicon.
    Select Add Files button
  5. Select Save.
    Select save icon

    You’ll see a notification stating the settings have been updated.
    The settings have bene successfully updated notification

    You may need to clear your browser cache to see the change.

To learn more about improving your PrestaShop website, check our PrestaShop Education channel and our list of free PrestaShop templates.

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4 thoughts on “Change your Favicon in PrestaShop 1.7

  1. Hi, do you know how to change back office favicon on PS1.7.7?
    I edited line:

    Of the file:
    Adding my custon favicon for back office, and it’s showed correctly on most of the back office page, despite from product list and product edit pages.

    1. Hello! I looked around, and it looks like the back office favicon is stored in a different file than the one used for customer facing pages. Try editing /img/admin/favicon.ico. Hope that helps!

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