How to disable a customer’s login in PrestaShop 1.5

Apart from deleting your customer, you may simply just need to turn off their ability to log in. The PrestaShop 1.5 back office interface allows for this via the Status setting.
This is a simple setting that can be turned on or off as needed. Disabling a customer’s login in the back office of PrestaShop 1.5 is as simple as the following steps.

To disable a user’s login in PrestaShop 1.5:

  1. Log into your PrestaShop 1.5 admin dashboard.
  2. Use the top menu bar and hover over the Customers tab, then click on the Customers option from the popup menu.
  3. You are now on the Customers : Customers screen. Locate the customer you would like to edit and click on the Edit icon (the one that looks like a pencil and paper) on the right hand side of the respective row.
  4. You are taken to the Customers : Edit Customer page. To disable a user’s login ability, look for the setting named Status. Click the redio button next to the red X to diable login ability.
  5. Once finished, click the green Save button in the upper right corner.

You now know how to disable a user login in PrestaShop 1.5 back office.

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