How to edit an affiliate referrer in PrestaShop 1.5

Welcome to our next article in the managing affiliates and referrers. After learning how to add an affiliate referrer, it is necessary to understand how to modify the data should the need arise. Below are the instructions for accessing and changing the data for an existing referrer in your PrestaShop 1.5 store.

Modifying an affiliate referrer in PrestaShop 1.5

  1. Log into your PrestaShop 1.5 admin dashboard.
  2. Using the top menu bar, hover over the Stats tab and click on the Referrers option.
  3. You are now on the Referrers page. Find the referrer you want to edit and click on the Edit icon at the right side of that row. The Edit icon looks like a pencil and paper.
  4. You are now on the Referrers editing screen. You will be able to edit any of the following data:

    Affiliate Section
    NameAccount name of the affiliate
    PasswordAffiliate account password
    Commission Plan Section
    Click FeeAmount of payment based on clickthroughs
    Base FeeAmount of base payment as flat fee
    Percent FeeAmount of payment as percentage of order amount
    Technical Information Section
    HTTP Referrer IncludeWebsite the visitor will be coming from (
    HTTP Referrer Excludesite name, or portion thereof, to ignore as a referrer
    Request URI IncludeSpecial query string (example: ?referrerID= )
    Request URI ExcludeString that, if included, will ignore as a referrer


  5. Once you have changed all the desired information for your affiliate referrer, click on the green Save button to save the changes. You will be brought back to the Referrers list page.

    Be sure to continue on with the course and learn how to delete an affiliate referrer.

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