Introduction to Price Rules in PrestaShop 1.5
Pricing rules in PrestaShop allow for you to customize your shopper’s experience. This lets them feel special by allowing you to give deals and discounts (also known as vouchers or coupons) to specific people or on specific items. Rules built around customers are known as Cart Rules and rules built around product categories are known as Catalog Price Rules.
Cart Rules
One of the newer features in PrestaShop 1.5 is the upgrade to cart pricing rules. Known as vouchers in PrestaShop 1.4, these cart rules are ways for you to provide discounts to specific customers in certain ways. Upgrades to the previous voucher abilities include:
- Using discounts with customers who use specific carriers.
- Use discounts with specific products, suppliers, categories, manufacturers or any combination.
- Use the discounts as free shipping, free gifts, from the total amount or even all of these options.
Cart rules are defined by three tabs that contain the many different settings. This allows the shop admin to customize the rule to almost any customer or specific group of customers.
Catalog Price Rules
In addition to cart rules, you can also include Catalog Price Rules. These discounts apply to all products within a certain category. You can further talor the discount by restricting it by customer attributes such as their geographic location, the amount of items purchased, or even the currency used.
Additional filtering can be done on the product level by setting conditions that the product must meet. For example, if you set the rule to apply to laptops, you can customize it for all laptops of a specific brand, or even CPU, color, RAM, or any other attribute you wish. In essence, you can limit it down to one specific product if you apply enough conditions.
Between the two types of rules, you will be able to set discounts for almost any occasion. Use them wisely to make your customers feel special and they will keep coming back. You may want to continue on to our article on creating a cart rule in order to get started with customizing your visitor’s shopping experience.