Gallery is open-source software for displaying images on a separate website. Using Gallery creates separate websites that can be used as stand-alone solutions for displaying images, or linked to other websites for the purpose of being an image gallery solution.
This application has 3 major iterations and is currently on version 3. Though the project developers are no longer active, there are still community developers that provide support for the modules that they have added to the application.
Gallery is a free and very useful photo display tool that can be used with many types of image formats in web hosting environments.
Setting Up and Configuring Gallery
Installing Gallery is made easy due to Softaculous. The software installer not only steps you through the installation, but also records it, and allows you to email a record of the installation settings. The options within the Gallery application allow you to select a theme for the administrator or user interface, and expand functionality with a community-created module.
Managing Gallery
Gallery allows you to log in as an Administrator and allow access to images using a user. You can also perform maintenance activities, and manage watermarks. You can set up multiple user groups so that only a specific set of users can access images.
Working with Images in Gallery
Gallery is primarily a way to display images for users through a website. You can learn how to add photos, create albums, and edit them for your visitors. Some of the module expansions also give you further control over how the images are displayed.
The use of a gallery to display images for a company site, family site, or other organizations is a universal need. Gallery provides a free, open-source solution that can easily be expanded by itself, or as an added section to a website. Many other programs provided by Softaculous can be added or used to add further functionality to your online presence.