How to Install Percona DB Server

Table of Contents

In this tutorial we will show you how to install Percona DB server via SSH. This will allow you to replace MySQL with Percona DB Server.

Installing Percona

  1. SSH into your server as the root user.
  2. Run the following command to download the Percona package:
    yum install
  3. You will see the following message, type ‘y’ for yes then click the enter key. Total size: 5.8 k
    Installed size: 5.8 k
    Is this ok [y/N]:

    You should then see a “Complete!” message.

  4. Run the following command to install epel. This will allow you to install libev, which is required.
    yum install epel-release
  5. You will see the following message, type ‘y‘ for yes then click enter.
    Installed size: 22 k
    Is this ok [y/N]: y

  6. Run the following command to install libev.
    yum install libev
  7. You will see the following message, type ‘y‘ for yes then click enter.
    Total download size: 113 k
    Installed size: 151 k
    Is this ok [y/N]: y
  8. Run the following command to install Percona XtraBackup. This will allow you to revert the changes if necessary.
    yum install percona-xtrabackup
  9. When you see the following message, type ‘y‘ for yes then click enter. You should see this message twice. Is this ok [y/N]:
  10. Create a backup by running this command:
    xtrabackup --target-dir=/backup/xtrabackup --backup

    Then, run this command:

    xtrabackup --target-dir=/backup/xtrabackup --prepare
  11. Stop and remove MySQL by running the following commands:
    service mysql stop

    Then, run this command:

    yum remove MySQL* mysql*
  12. Run the following command to install Percona Server:
    yum install Percona-Server-server-57 percona-toolkit percona-xtrabackup
  13. At this point Percona DB Server has been installed. You can verify this by logging into cPanel, clicking phpMyAdmin, then viewing the Database Type in the Database server section.

Congratulations, now you know how to install Percona DB Server on your server!

InMotion Hosting Contributor Content Writer II

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