How to Log Into SMF Admin Area

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How to log into SMF

The SMF admin account is the critical master account for the whole installation. You can have multiple admins or a single admin. In this article you’ll learn how you can log into your installation so that you can carry out all of your admin duties.

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But don’t let the “admin” part confuse you. If you are a regular user you can use the same login screen to access your account.

In order to log in, you can click the Login link on the page, or go to your domain with the admin action query string:


If you are using SEO-friendly URLs, or are rewriting URLs in a custom fashion then your login URL might be different, but that query string (or using the Login button) should still work the same way.

SMF Login Tips

The normal security parameters for any website still apply. However, it doesn’t hurt to remind yourself of the standard rules.

  • Do not share your username and password with anyone. Unless an admin or a trust IT person requires your login information for troubleshooting, there are no circumstances in which someone will ask for your password unbidden through email or some other form. SMF does provide admins with the ability to send password reset requests through email. However, always be careful and make sure these kinds of actions are requested before you comply with them.
  • When first setting up an account with SMF, you will be labelled as a “Newbie.” It is impossible to change this setting, but you can request that the admin hides this if you wish not be labelled as such.
  • By default, SMF creates standard user accounts through a registration form open to the public. However, admins can change the default setting to manually approve all new registrations. For extra secure forums, manual approval by admin is recommended.
Christopher Maiorana Content Writer II

Christopher Maiorana joined the InMotion community team in 2015 and regularly dispenses tips and tricks in the Support Center, Community Q&A, and the InMotion Hosting Blog.

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