How to format TikiWiki page content

Like other wiki software, TikiWiki has its own built in code for formatting the content of the pages. In order to format the content of the Wiki, it is recommended that you familiarize your self with the code options that are available. This article will explain the options available to use in the TikiWiki WYSIWYG editor, and how to format different items like: headlines, bold, internal links, external links, and making lists.

TikiWiki Editing options

Log into your TikiWiki, select a page and click the edit link at the bottom. The Wiki formatting editor will display for editing the site. The image below is a snapshot of the editor options.

Editing ioption sin teh TikiWiki WYSIWYG editor

The following table briefly explains what each editing feature does and the code it uses.

TikiWiki editing options
BoldBolds the text.

__bold text__
ItalicItalicizes text.

''italic text''
UnderlineUnderlines text.

===underline text===
Strike throughStrikes through text to show as deleted.

Foreground ColorChanges the foreground color.

Choose or upload images
Image upload Tiki Wiki

Uploads to the server and chooses images from a list of existing images on the server. See image to the right.

Choose or upload files
File upload TikiWiki

Uploads files to the server and existing files can be chosen from the server. See image to the right.

Wiki linkLink option TikiWiki

Links to existing pages on the wiki.

((My HTML Reference|My HTML reference))
External linkExternal link TikiWIki

Creates a link to an external source.

[|W3Schools|HTML resource]
Find text
Text Replace
Text can be searched with the find and replace function that is built into the editor.
Special CharactersSpecial characters TikiWiki

Creates special HTML entity characters that can be inserted into the page. See image to the right.

SmileysSmileys TikiWiki

Inserts smileys in the article. See image to the right.

H1 H2 H3Sets headers to HTML h1, h2,or h3 format.

!text h1 !!text ht !!!text h3
Align CenterAligns the text center.

::align center text::
Unordered list
Creates lists that are numbered or bulleted.

*unordered list #ordered list
Mouse OverMouse Over TikiWiki

Allows custom hover over text boxes on selected text. See image to the right.

Insert ModuleThis is used to insert modules into pages.
No image available.
Insert HTMLInsert HTML TikiWiki

This will allow HTML tags to be inserted into the page. See image to the right.

Page Break
Horizontal rule
The first is a page break code. It separates content that can be individually edited. The last is a horizontal rule that places a line across the screen to separate the text. ---
Table BuilderCreate table TikiWiki

Constructs tables that will use the Wiki code and not HTML table tags. See image to the right.

CodeCode block TikiWIki

Allows code to display as code instead of parsing by the browser. See image to the right.

Non-parsed (Wiki syntax does not apply)Escapes the Wiki code to allow Wiki code characters to display.<

~np~no wiki formatted text~/np~

How to headline and bold text

Headline text breaks up content on a wiki page, whereas bold text retains the same font size in the body and does not break up the page. The following steps will show how to create a header line text and how to bold text.

  1. Log into TikiWiki.
  2. Navigate to the page you want to edit and click Edit section page edit section icon TikiWiki
  3. header text tikiwiki

    Highlight the text you want for a headline. In the WYSIWYG editor, click the H2 (Heading 2) button to make the text a second level headline.

  4. Bold text tikiwiki

    Next, highlight text that you want to be the same font size as the body text and click the bold Icon in the WYSIWYG editor.
    Header bold preview TikiWIki

    Now the Headline and the text in the body will be bold like the snapshot to the right.

Inserting and External and internal link

When creating links in TikiWiki there are 2 types, the internal and the external link. The internal link simply references to a page that exists in your TikiWiki site. The external link will link to a page that is on the web. In this case we will use to make an external link. The following will explain how to create an external and an internal link.

  1. Log into TikiWiki.
  2. Navigate to the page you want to edit and click Edit section Page Edit TikiWiki
  3. Create external link tikiwiki

    Place your cursor in the location of the content you want the linkto be inserted into. Click the External link icon in the WYSIWYG editor.

  4. inset external link TikiWiki

    In the Show this text box, type what text you want for the link.

    In the link to this URL box, type the url into the text box. The url will need to be like the following.

    Click Insert.

  5. create internal link tikiwiki

    To insert the internal link, Place your cursor where you want the link to appear.

    Click the Wiki Link button in the WYSIWYG editor.

  6. Insert internal link Tikiwiki

    Type the text you want for the link in the “Show this text”text box.

    Place the title of the page from your Wiki page in the “Link to this page” text box.

    Click Insert.

  7. External and internal link preview tikiwiki

    Click Save.

    Now when you visit the page you will have the links created in the page like the image to the right.

Creating an unordered list

Creating an ordered and an unordered list are simpler than coding in HTML using the TikiWiki editor. The steps are the same for the ordered list as it is for the unordered list. The following steps will explain how to make an unordered list.

  1. Log into TikiWiki.
  2. Navigate to the page you want to edit and click Edit section Page Edit TikiWiki
  3. WYSIWYG editor unordered List TikiWiki

    Highlight the text you want to bullet point.

    Click the Unordered List button in the WYSIWYG editor.

  4. Code view of unordered list TikiWiki

    Repeat the same step for each bullet point item so the code looks like the the image to the right.

  5. Unoredered List preview TikiWiki

    Click save.

    Now the items will have bullet points on them. This also works the same for numbered lists. To number the list you will follow the same steps except use the “Ordered List” option.

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