Which Browser runs JavaScript the Fastest?

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We recently introduced a new feature in our Support Center, Autosuggested Articles. While you’re typing in a question you’d like our Community Support to answer, we suggest a list of articles below your question that may help with getting you support.


Technically, every time a character is pressed, a JavaScript function is ran and attempts to find articles to list for you. This JavaScript function loops through quite a bit of data, but in our testing it ran relatively well.

We did recently receive feedback from a user stating that this feature took 15+ seconds to run each time they typed in a character. During our troubleshooting of this issue, we decided to gather data on how long it takes each browser to execute our JavaScript function. We’d like to share our results with you now.

The Experiment

When running our test, we updated the Javascript code to keep track of how long it takes to run through the function, and then alert the time it took (in milliseconds).

We typed in the search phrase “wordpress plugin install search”, and after each character we typed we logged how much time the JavaScript function took to find results.

Our tests were ran on a Windows 7 desktop with the following browsers:

Browser Version
Internet Explorer 8
FireFox 10
Chrome 17
Safari 5
Opera 11

The Results

Which browser ran our JavaScript code the fastest?


Closely behind Opera were Chrome and Firefox, while Safari and Internet Explorer took much longer.

Browser Rank Total JavaScript
run time
How much slower
than Opera?
Opera 1st 1684
Chrome 2nd 1998 19%
Firefox 3rd 2194 30%
Safari 4th 6417 281%
Internet Explorer 5th 7912 370%

(click to see full size)

Raw Result Data
The table below lists the time in milliseconds each browser took to execute the JavaScript, along with the search phrase that was passed to the function.

IE Chrome Firefox Safari Opera Our Search Phrase
171 60 80 166 48 w
156 80 44 163 34 wo
156 44 45 160 33 wor
156 44 58 165 33 word
156 46 45 161 33 wordp
156 46 59 160 33 wordpr
172 45 45 158 32 wordpre
218 58 66 188 45 wordpres
214 57 58 188 44 wordpress
219 58 57 192 45 wordpress (space)
234 61 70 195 48 wordpress p
234 61 66 194 48 wordpress pl
235 60 64 206 48 wordpress plu
234 61 64 191 48 wordpress plug
234 62 60 195 47 wordpress plugi
249 63 70 219 51 wordpress plugin
250 63 65 206 51 wordpress plugin (space)
256 63 69 205 51 wordpress plugin i
250 63 65 204 51 wordpress plugin in
281 67 68 219 65 wordpress plugin ins
281 66 70 209 65 wordpress plugin inst
281 65 71 210 65 wordpress plugin insta
281 66 70 212 65 wordpress plugin instal
343 77 92 247 76 wordpress plugin install
327 79 91 250 76 wordpress plugin install (space)
374 80 93 259 80 wordpress plugin install s
359 80 100 261 73 wordpress plugin install se
359 81 96 260 74 wordpress plugin install sea
358 81 102 259 74 wordpress plugin install sear
359 80 95 258 74 wordpress plugin install searc
359 81 96 257 74 wordpress plugin install search

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