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How to Work with Feature Lists in WHM

When you create new packages for your cPanel accounts within WHM, you assign a feature list to that specific page. A Feature list is exactly what it sounds like; a list of features that each cPanel account has.

This article pertains to WHM, a feature only available to VPS Hosting, Dedicated Hosting, and Reseller Hosting users. Shared Hosting users do not have WHM access.


For example, the following is a list of features you can enable/disable for your user:

  • phpMyAdmin
  • Awstats
  • File Manager
  • IP Deny Manager

How to create a Feature List

Follow the steps below to create a new feature list:

  1. Log into WHM
  2. Click “Feature Manager” under “Packages” in the left menu
  3. Enter a new for the new feature list under “Add a New Feature List” and click “Add”
  4. On the following page, select / deselect the features you want to enable/disable.
  5. Click “Save” at the bottom of the page

How to assign a Feature List to a cPanel account:

Feature Lists are assigned to Packages. In order to assign a Feature List to a cPanel account, you’ll need to first assign a feature list to a package, and assign the package to the cPanel account.

How to assign a Feature List to a Package

To assign a Feature List to a Package:

  1. Log into WHM
  2. Click “Edit a Package” under “Packages” in the left menu
  3. Select the Package you’re working with from the list and then click “Edit”
  4. Find the “Feature List” setting towards the bottom of the page. Choose the desired feature list and then click “Save Changes”

How to change the Package associated with a cPanel account

To switch the package associated with a cPanel account:

  1. Log into WHM
  2. Click “Modify an Account” under “Account Functions” in the left menu
  3. Select the account in question and then click “Modify”
  4. To the right of “Package” click the link (which reads the name of their current package)
  5. Select the new package from the list and click “Upgrade/Downgrade”
Arnel Custodio Content Writer I

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