How to Configure WHM Contact Manager

The Contact Manager is a feature in WHM which lets you configure server-related notifications to various services and devices. You can assign a priority to each form of contact. For example, low priority messages can go to an email account and high priority messages can trigger a text message.

NOTE: This guide requires root access. Root access is included (at no extra charge) with our Dedicated Server, VPS, and Reseller VPS Hosting plans


How to Access the Contact Manager

  1. root login on WHM

    Login WHM as the root user

  2. Contact Manager option under Server Contacts

    Under Server Contacts choose Contact Manager

  3. Contact Manager interface

    You will see the Contact Manager interface

  4. There are two tabs: Communication Type and Notifications
  5. Configure communication types

    Click on Communication Type to configure priority level for the chosen communication Types

  6. Priority dropdown under Receives

    To the right of each option, you will see the priority dropdown under the heading Receives

    Here you can select a priority for the communication types.


These are the communication Types you can choose from:

AIMTo receive notifications to your AOL Instant Messenger (AIM) account
EmailReceive notifications at an email address
ICQPush notifications to your ICQ-enabled devices
Post to a URLReceive notifications at a specific URL
PushbulletEnable push notifications to devices or apps with Pushbullet
Short Message Service (SMS)Receive text message notifications on your mobile device

These are the parameters for receiving notifications:

NoneThis service receives no notifications
High onlyThis service receives only High priority notifications
High and Medium onlyThis service receives only high and medium priority notifications
AllThis service receives all notifications


cPanel sends notifications for common functions like account creation, account removal, and account suspensions. Likewise, there are notifications for more advanced parameters like backup failures, upgrade changes, corrupt databases, etc. For a full list of the notifications, you can visit the official cPanel documentation.

Notification list


Accessing your Notifications section allows you determine which priority you will assign to the various information, warnings, alerts. In the image to the right, you can see that Account Creation will send a notification to email and SMS (text message) when a new cPanel account is created.



Notification bulk changes


You can select multiple items for a bulk priority change. In the image, you can see Account Creation, Account Removal, and Account Suspensions have been set to Medium alert priority.



To enable SMS notifications to your device you can use the below domains for your provider. Just replace “cellnumber” with your actual phone number. For example, if you use AT&T, the address will look similar to this:


Now you have learned how to use the Contact Manager in WHM to configure and send notifications. Well done!

To learn more about managing your reseller hosting accounts with WHMCS, please see:

Christopher Maiorana Content Writer II

Christopher Maiorana joined the InMotion community team in 2015 and regularly dispenses tips and tricks in the Support Center, Community Q&A, and the InMotion Hosting Blog.

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