How to Create a Custom Page for WHMCS

WHMCS is a system designed to automate and manage many common web hosting tasks for resellers. For instance, WHMCS can handle the point of sale, billing, and setup of a new account, including provisioning it on the server.

WHMCS creates pages based on the modules that are installed and the functions that are enabled by the administrator/webmaster. If you want to create a unique client area page, you can manually create the necessary .php and .tpl files to build a custom page. By completing this guide, you can learn how to create a custom page that is compatible with WHMCS.

Create a PHP (.php) File

First, a .php file needs to be created. This file will reside in your WHMCS root directory.

WHMCS pages are implemented from .php files. Later in this guide, you can learn the code to enter into the file. However, in this section, you can learn the steps to take to create the necessary .php file to add a custom page to WHMCS.

  1. Log into your reseller cPanel.
  2. Navigate to the File Manager.
  3. Navigate to your WHMCS root directory.
  4. Click the File button.
  5. In the pop-up, enter the name you would like to give to the file, for example mypage.php into the New File Name: field.
  6. Click the Create New File button.

Add the PHP Code

Once you have created a new .php file, you will need to enter some code into it. This code is obtained from WHMCS’s Support Documentation directly. For more information on the code, you can refer to their documentation. However, this code contains the “skeleton” of a page for WHMCS. In this section, you can learn how to enter the necessary code into the mypage.php file, created in the previous section.

  1. Log into your reseller cPanel.
  2. Click on File Manager.
  3. Navigate to your WHMCS root directory.
  4. Open the .php file you created in the previous section. To open the file, right-click on it, then click Edit.
  5. Copy– CTRL + C (on Mac: COMMAND + C) and paste– CTRL + V (on Mac: COMMAND + V) the following code into the file. Please note that this code is commented out so that it displays properly in WordPress; you will need to remove the !-- from the opening PHP tag when you are ready to use this code.
    use WHMCSClientArea;
    use WHMCSDatabaseCapsule;
    define('CLIENTAREA', true);
    require __DIR__ . '/init.php';
    $ca = new ClientArea();
    $ca--->setPageTitle('Your Page Title Goes Here');
    $ca->addToBreadCrumb('index.php', Lang::trans('globalsystemname'));
    $ca->addToBreadCrumb('mypage.php', 'Your Custom Page Name');
    //$ca->requireLogin(); // Uncomment this line to require a login to access this page
    // To assign variables to the template system use the following syntax.
    // These can then be referenced using {$variablename} in the template.
    //$ca->assign('variablename', $value);
    // Check login status
    if ($ca->isLoggedIn()) {
         * User is logged in - put any code you like here
         * Here's an example to get the currently logged in clients first name
        $clientName = Capsule::table('tblclients')
            ->where('id', '=', $ca->getUserID())->pluck('firstname');
            // 'pluck' was renamed within WHMCS 7.0.  Replace it with 'value' instead.
            // ->where('id', '=', $ca->getUserID())->value('firstname');
        $ca->assign('clientname', $clientName);
    } else {
        // User is not logged in
        $ca->assign('clientname', 'Random User');
     * Set a context for sidebars
     * @link https://docs.whmcs.com/Editing_Client_Area_Menus#Context
     * Setup the primary and secondary sidebars
     * @link https://docs.whmcs.com/Editing_Client_Area_Menus#Context
    # Define the template filename to be used without the .tpl extension
  6. Click on the Save Changes button.

Create a Template (.tpl) File

Now that you have created the necessary .php file, you can create a .tpl file. This file will be where you can save your HTML to design the custom page you are creating for WHMCS. In this section, you can learn how to create the necessary .tpl file to design a custom page in WHMCS.

  1. Log into your reseller cPanel.
  2. Click on the File Manager icon.
  3. Navigate to the following directory inside of your WHMCS root directory: templates/name-of-template//
  4. Click the File button.
  5. In the pop-up, enter the name you would like to give to the file, for example mypage.tpl into the field New File Name:.
  6. Click the Create New File button.


Once you have a .tpl file and a .php file for your custom page, you may begin desiging the page using HTML. In this section, you can learn how to add the HTML to your .tpl file and preview your page in your web browser.

    1. Log into your reseller cPanel.
    2. Click on the File Manager icon.
    3. Navigate to the following directory inside of your WHMCS root directory: templates/name-of-template//
    4. Right-click on the .tpl file you created and select Edit.
    5. Now enter your HTML. For example:
      <h3>This is my custom WHMCS page's content</h3>
      <p>I used the code found <a href="https://developers.whmcs.com/advanced/creating-pages/" target="_blank" title="Click here to navigate to WHMCS Support to obtain the code needed for creating a custom page.">here</a>.</p>
      <p>I put that code into a file named: </p>
      <p><code>mypage.php</code>, which resides in the root directory (where my WHMCS is installed).</p>
      <p>Now, I can write HTML into the file named:</p>
      <p><code>mypage.tpl</code>, located in the templates/six/ directory. Any HTML I save into that file, will be displayed on my new custom page.</p>
    6. Once you have entered your code, click on the Save Changes button.

Once you have saved the .tpl file with the code you would like (or using our example data), you can visit the URL for that page from your web browser. Simply open your browser and visit the following URL (example format):


Congratulations! You now know how to create a custom page to use with your WHMCS installation.

InMotion Hosting Contributor Content Writer II

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16 thoughts on “How to Create a Custom Page for WHMCS

    1. Thanks for catching that! I’m guessing that was commented out in the old version of our site to prevent any conflict and we missed it when we updated.

    1. Hello! Just create the file with clientarea.php as the name, copy the code listed in the instructions, and make sure that you change the name of the .tpl file and the template to reflect the filename you are using. Hope that helps!

    1. Hello Ghaleth A.,

      Thank you for your question. Unfortunately, this question is outside of the scope of what we can assist with. I recommend contacting a developer versed in those languages to help modify the WHMCS pages to your liking.

      Best Regards,
      Alyssa K.

  1. dosn’t work for me,
    i did all steps and i just tested the tutorial code

    Something went wrong and we couldn’t process your request.

    Please go back to the previous page and try again.

    1. Hi mouloud,

      Unfortunately, those error pages can be caused by a variety of different issues. I recommend enabling error logging to see what is causing this error. I was able to find this WHMCS documentation that outlines how to do that:


      I hope this helps!

      Best Regards,
      Alyssa K.

  2. I used these codes as well trying to create Privacy Policy and Terms of Service Pages for my WHMCS and I am getting a 404 Error with both. I have double checked and everything is in the correct directories. I can post my codes here if you can try to diagnose the error. I only have one Template so I know the .tpl file is in the correct folder and everything is named correctly.

    1. Hello and sorry for your issue. Please contact Live Support instead of posting that data here. We don’t have access to your account from this platform.

  3. Not working for me. All I get is the contents of the .php file. It is like it is not seeing the .tpl file. I have changed what I thought needed changing within the .php file such as replacing mypage.php with my .phps name as well as changed things in the .tpl file. .tpl file is in the templates/6/ folder and .php is in the root. 🙂 Scratchin my head.

    1. Hi Warren – Sorry for the issue with the Custom page not working. You may want to get help through the WHMCS Community as we did not develop the product. We have tested the code used in the tutorial, and it works for us. You can post your code there and get assistance with what’s causing the issue.

  4. Great tutorial!  I finally understood what needed to be done and was able to get my page created within a few minutes.  I appreciate the detailed steps.  Nice Job!

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