How to give an account reseller access within WHM

cPanel accounts can be given reseller hosting access either during the initial cPanel account setup or after the account has already been created by using the “Modify an account” feature within WHM.

How to give reseller access during initial account setup

When creating a cPanel account in WHM, ensure the “Make the account a Reseller” option is selected to give the new account reseller privileges.


How to grant reseller access to cPanel accounts that already exist

To modify an existing cPanel account to grant reseller privileges, use the modify an account feature in WHM to modify the account and ensure “Yes” is selected for “Reseller Privileges”.


4 thoughts on “How to give an account reseller access within WHM

  1. Thank you for the info on the reseller tutorials. I am getting there.


    Couple questions:

    1) Where do I find temp URL in cpanel (I setup a client already but do not want to point domain till I have files transferred, tested).

    2) Is there a temp url FTP login info as well?



  2. Hi,

    I just setup a reseller acount with your company.

    I am familiar with CPANEL from a typical webhosting single user standpoint but new to the reseller concept.

    That said, as I reseller, how do I add my clients to the reseller account I setup? Do they each get their own CPANEL (I imagine so). Perhaps there is a tutorial I cannot readily see. 

    FYI all the clients I will be migrating over are WordPress based and CPANEL users as well.

    Thank you


    1. Hello Brian,

      Thanks for the question about getting started with you reseller account. Yes, the best thing to do is to think of this as managing your client per cPanel account. Instead of directing you to a specific tutorial for starting, I’ll give you the link for the Everything Reseller education channel. That way, you have a resource for the different things you can do with re-seller.

      I hope this helps to answer your question, please let us know if you require any further assistance.

      Arnel C.

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