How to Modify Tweak Settings – Notifications

If you are running a VPS or Dedicated Server with cPanel, you can use the WebHost Manager (WHM) interface to modify the configuration and behaviors of cPanel. The Tweak Settings Notifications tab specifically provides options for cPanel to notify you in regards to events that may occur. For instance, you can enable disk usage notifications to notify you (by email) if your cPanel account was reaching the disk size limit allocated to it. In this guide, you will learn about the optional notification settings available in WHM’s Tweak Settings and how you can modify them to help maintain your server more efficiently.

How to Modify Tweak Settings – Notifications

Enabling and disabling the settings mentioned above will enable and disable additional settings you can configure to manage from the Tweak Settings Notifications tab. The instructions below provide the steps to take to configure these settings.

  1. Log into WHM as the root user.
  2. Click on Tweak Settings under the Server Configuration section of WHM.
  3. Click on the Notifications tab.
  4. Refer to the table(s) below for the notification options that are configured from the Tweak Settings Notifications tab.
  5. After making your selections for the settings, be sure to click the Save button to save your changes.

Notification Options

Refer to the table below for the available options, a brief description, and the default value within the Tweak Settings Notifications tab.

OptionDescriptionDefault Value
System disk space usage warningsEnables the Disk Usage Warnings notification. This notification is sent according to the settings in the Contact Manager section of WHM, when the system is approaching the maximum disk space available.On
Disk quota usage warningsEnables the Disk Quota Usage Warnings notification. This notification is sent to cPanel users who approach their disk space quota limit. The disk space quota limit is configured by the package assigned to the cPanel account.On
Out of memory warningsEnables the Out of Memory Warnings notification. This notification is sent to cPanel users whose accounts no longer possess available memory space. This limit is based on the available Random Access Memory (RAM).On
Notify admin or reseller when disk quota reaches “warn” stateEnables the admin/reseller Disk Quota “Warn” notification. This notification is sent to the admin/reseller when their cPanel account has reached the “warn” disk quota state. This state is configured in the Tweak Settings Notifications tab (see instructions below).Off
Notify admin or reseller when disk quota reaches “critical” stateEnables the admin/reseller Disk Quota “Critical” notification. This notification is sent to the admin/reseller when their cPanel account has reached the “critical” disk quota state. This state is configured in the Tweak Settings Notifications tab (see instructions below).On
Notify admin or reseller when disk quota reaches “full” stateEnables the admin/reseller Disk Quota “Full” notification. This notification is sent to the admin/reseller when their cPanel account has reached the “full” disk quota state. This state is configured in the Tweak Settings Notifications tab (see instructions below).On
Enable mailbox usage warningsEnables the Mailbox Quota Limit notification. This notification is sent to cPanel users whose mailboxes are almost full. The mailbox quota limit is defined when creating email accounts.Off
Bandwidth limit checkEnables the ability to automatically suspend HTTP service for accounts that exceed their bandwidth limit. If you disable this option cPanel will handle all accounts as though they have unlimited bandwidth, therefore notifications for exceeding bandwidth will be disabled as well.On
Send bandwidth limit notification emailsEnables the Bandwidth Limit notification. This notification is sent to cPanel users whose account is approaching their bandwidth usage limit. This limit is configured by the package assigned to the cPanel account.Off

Additional Notification Options

The following table indicates the default values when ALL notifications are enabled. However, you can customize the values to suit your needs for maintaining your end-user’s web hosting experience.

OptionDescriptionDefault Value
Account system disk usage “warn” percentagePercent value indicates the disk “warn” state level, based on the percentage of disk space used. Once the system disk space reaches X% used, a notification is sent according to the settings in the Contact Manager section of WHM.82.55%
Account system disk usage “critical” percentagePercent value indicates the disk “critical” state level, based on the percentage of disk space used. Once the system disk space reaches X% used, a notification is sent according to the settings in the Contact Manager section of WHM.92.55%
Account disk quota “warn” percentagePercent value indicates the “warn” state level, based on the percentage of an account’s disk space used. Once an account’s disk space reaches X% of the disk quota limit, the account enters a “warn” state. Notifications are handled based on the configuration in the Tweak Settings Notifications tab.80%
Notify admin or reseller when disk quota reaches “warn” stateEnables sending a notification to the admin/reseller of an account that is considered in the “warn” state. The “warn” state is defined within the Tweak Settings Notifications tab.Off
Account disk quota “critical” percentagePercent value indicates the “critical” state level, based on the percentage of an account’s disk space used. Once an account’s disk space reaches X% of the disk quota limit, the account enters a “critical” state. Notifications are handled based on the configuration in the Tweak Settings Notifications tab.90%
Notify admin or reseller when disk quota reaches “critical” stateEnables sending a notification to the admin/reseller of an account that is considered in the “critical” state. The “critical” state is defined within the Tweak Settings Notifications tab.On
Account disk quota “full” percentagePercent value indicates the “full” state level, based on the percentage of an account’s disk space used. Once an account’s disk space reaches X% of the disk quota limit, the account enters a “full” state. Notifications are handled based on the configuration in the Tweak Settings Notifications tab.98%
Notify admin or reseller when disk quota reaches “full” stateEnables sending a notification to the admin/reseller of an account that is considered in the “full” state. The “full” state is defined within the Tweak Settings Notifications tab.On
Mailbox disk quota “warn” percentagePercent value indicates the “warn” state level, based on the percentage of a mailbox’s disk quota limit. Once a mailbox’s disk quota reaches X% of the limit, the email account enters a “warn” state. Notifications are handled based on the configuration in the Contact Information section of the cPanel user that owns the domain for the email account.80%
Mailbox disk quota “critical” percentagePercent value indicates the “critical” state level, based on the percentage of a mailbox’s disk quota limit. Once a mailbox’s disk quota reaches X% of the limit, the email account enters a “critical” state. Notifications are handled based on the configuration in the Contact Information section of the cPanel user that owns the domain for the email account.90%
Mailbox disk quota “full” percentagePercent value indicates the “full” state level, based on the percentage of a mailbox’s disk quota limit. Once a mailbox’s disk quota reaches X% of the limit, the email account enters a “full” state. Notifications are handled based on the configuration in the Contact Information section of the cPanel user that owns the domain for the email account.98%
Bandwidth usage warning: 70%Enables a notification if a cPanel user has reached 70% of their bandwidth. The bandwidth limit is defined in the configuration of the package assigned to the cPanel user.Off
Bandwidth usage warning: 75%Enables a notification if a cPanel user has reached 75% of their bandwidth. The bandwidth limit is defined in the configuration of the package assigned to the cPanel user.Off
Bandwidth usage warning: 80%Enables a notification if a cPanel user has reached 80% of their bandwidth. The bandwidth limit is defined in the configuration of the package assigned to the cPanel user.On
Bandwidth usage warning: 85%Enables a notification if a cPanel user has reached 85% of their bandwidth. The bandwidth limit is defined in the configuration of the package assigned to the cPanel user.Off
Bandwidth usage warning: 90%Enables a notification if a cPanel user has reached 90% of their bandwidth. The bandwidth limit is defined in the configuration of the package assigned to the cPanel user.Off
Bandwidth usage warning: 95%Enables a notification if a cPanel user has reached 95% of their bandwidth. The bandwidth limit is defined in the configuration of the package assigned to the cPanel user.Off
Bandwidth usage warning: 97%Enables a notification if a cPanel user has reached 97% of their bandwidth. The bandwidth limit is defined in the configuration of the package assigned to the cPanel user.Off
Bandwidth usage warning: 98%Enables a notification if a cPanel user has reached 98% of their bandwidth. The bandwidth limit is defined in the configuration of the package assigned to the cPanel user.Off
Bandwidth usage warning: 99%Enables a notification if a cPanel user has reached 99% of their bandwidth. The bandwidth limit is defined in the configuration of the package assigned to the cPanel user.Off
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