How to Request a License for WHMCS in AMP

As a web host reseller you may need a Billing or Support system in place where your customers can request help, or make payments. WHMCS is a good way to provide this functionality to your Reseller account.

In this guide I will show you how to request a WHMCS license from AMP, you can then install this software using Softaculous.

Requesting a WHMCS License in AMP

  1. Login to AMP.
  2. Under your Reseller plan, click Request WHMCS License.
    request a whmcs license

  3. You will see information regarding the license; read through, then click the Proceed button to continue.
    requesting whmcs license

    You will then see a list of your active subscriptions, including your WHMCS license.
    whmcs license request complete

    Within a few minutes, an email will be sent to your primary email address on file.

  4. Now you can install WHMCS using Softaculous, be sure to enter the license in the Valid License Key field.

Congratulations, now you know how to request a WHMCS license from AMP!

InMotion Hosting Contributor Content Writer II

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27 thoughts on “How to Request a License for WHMCS in AMP

  1. Hello ,

    I would like to know more details about our license FOR WHMCS?

    Because this is not working, and we need to reinstall

    1. When purchasing unbranded from WHMCS will I be required to reinstall WHMCS to enter new key or can I change this in the admin area of WHMCS?

    2. Hello Spence,

      Thank you for contacting us. You should be able to easily update your license in WHMCS, which is covered in their official Licensing page (in the “Changing the License Key WHMCS uses” section).

      Thank you,

    3. I’m a new reseller with InMotion. I already have WHMCS installed and running and have switched to your License Key. Does InMotion have a place to download the software so can manually update the software?

    4. You can download WHMCS from them directly, this ensures you have their latest release.

      Also keep in mind WHMCS has automatic updating built-in, this is covered in their official upgrading guide.

      Softaculous also releases automated software updates, but keep in mind the latest version may not be available there yet.

      Thank you,

  2. I was wondering if this WHMCS license that InMotion is providing a:

    1) WHMCS Branded (where it shows the WHCMS logo when my customers log in); or

    2) WHCMS Non-Branding (where it shows the my logo when my customers log in)

    Please let me know. This is very important!

    1. Hello Boun,

      Thank you for contacting us. The WMCS license we provide is WHMCS branded. Non-Branded WHMCS will require an upgraded license purchased from WHMCS directly.

      Thank you,

  3. Hi, I wasnt happy with my first development using WHMCS and decided to start all over again (including changing to a new primary domain) and thought I could use the same license key and I was DEAD wrong….please help….if i cancelled it from APM, will I be able to request another? I can’t even login to the ‘client’ area…. 🙁 

    Please shed some light… ? 

    Thanks a mil! 

    1. Hello jchins,

      Thank you for contacting us. Since this is just or public forum, I recommend contacting Live Support so they can look at your account and provide specific information.

      Thank you,

  4. Hi

    i already contact with themeforest they said that is setting of whmcs. you put whmcs url in theme and then it work work..


    on the first page of this theme



    You can see the 3 packages. if you select Gold package then you goto another page there is domain searching panel..


    1. What is the price for a whmcslicense? We have a hosting account but need to be able to customize our whmcs.

  5. Hi

    please check this theme



    when you click on buy now in any package you can see the domain search portion.


    i am using this theme in our website,, and i want to enable whmcs there. basically the theme have feature of this.. bridge whmcs with wordpress. so they want only URL. i have used may url’s but its not working.


    please check



    1. Hell Raheel,

      Sorry for the problems with the theme. We are unable to see that theme with that link – there is no search portion that I could immediately see. We recommend that you contact Themeforest support for help with this issue. Since it’s a paid theme, we will not have access to the theme, but Themeforest generally provides good support for their themes.

      Arnel C.

  6. Hi

    i have reseller package on inmotion, you provide whmcs license that is OK.

    but i need the login info for this


    because i am using megahost wordpress theme to make connection of whmcs and wordpress for domain searching form.

    please help


    1. Unfortunately, I am unable to see the contents of any tickets that you submit to WHMCS. Could you provide me with the full details of your issue?

  7. Thanks, lol, I was working on three different things at once and very tired hahaha, thought this was the ticket request. Didn’t realize it was just the comment box. Thanks guys.

    1. To whom it may concern,

      Instead of using the free license provided by the Reseller plan may we use a license purchased directly at WHMCS?

      This one in particular: “Licenses – Owned License No Branding”

    2. Hello njsperez,

      Thank you for your question. Yes, you can use your own WHMCS license purchased from them.

      I’m not sure what license you mean by this one: “Licenses – Owned License No Branding”

      If you can clarify, I’m happy to help you further.

      Thank you,

    3. Hi John Paul, Thank you for the immediate response, perfect! 🙂

      Its a license where the WHMCS branding / links are removed 🙂

      One last question about WHMCS. Does WHMCS permit multiple reseller accounts with different providers? For example i purchase a Reseller plan here at Inmotionhosting and setup WHMCS. Can i use and manage the Hostgator reseller account on the WHMCS hosted here at Inmotionhosting?

    4. Hello njsperez,

      You can use any of WHMCS licenses on the server. As to whether the license will transfer, that is not a question we can answer. You would need to check with WHMCS directly to see what they allow.

      Kindest Regards,
      Scott M

    1. If you have a reseller account and would like a WHMCS license, please follow step 1 in this article in submitting a verified ticket to technical support requesting a license key.

    2. Hello Slade Julius,

      Thank you for your comment. This is just our public forum, I cannot provide you with a WHMCS license from here.

      You must submit a verified ticket to Live support. Your request will be processed, and you will be emailed a WHMCS license.

      If you have any further questions, feel free to post them below.
      Thank you,


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