How to Change the Title and Tagline in WordPress

Change site title in WordPress

Once you’ve installed WordPress, one of the first tasks you’ll need to complete is changing your title and tagline. The title and tagline in WordPress welcomes visitors to your website and quickly sums up its purpose. They also help promote a positive user experience for your visitors and encourage them to engage with your website. This article will show you everything you need to know about how to change site title in WordPress.

You can easily change the title and tagline in the Theme Customizer in your WordPress dashboard. Continue reading to learn how to access the Theme Customizer and change the title and tagline in WordPress.

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Change Title and Tagline in WordPress

  1. Log into the WordPress Dashboard.
  2. Click Customize under Appearance.
  3. Click Site Identity.
  4. Update the fields as needed to change page title.
  5. Click Publish to save your changes.

Well done, you now know how to change page title and tagline in your WordPress site! Now that you have that done, learn how to add a navigation menu to your sidebar in WordPress.

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18 thoughts on “How to Change the Title and Tagline in WordPress

    1. Great question! So, you may need to reset your WordPress permalinks if a change you make to your site causes errors in your link structure, and doing so is a common guideline after you change certain things like the WordPress site URL and home settings. I’ve never encountered it as a troubleshooting tip for title and tagline changes, but it will vary depending on the version of WordPress you’re using. Hope that helps!

  1. I don’t know what happening to me. I have changed the title and description from setting. But on my site title there showing different. I can see there have an extra” |” before the site title. Is there any solution for this. I have been using newspaper WordPress theme.

    1. I recommend checking your plugins. It sounds like you may have an SEO plugin modifying your Site title, since they can override other settings. Also check any caching you may be using, as it may have to be cleared.

  2. I changed d my site title, wordpress address, site address. And it doesn’t open anymore. Please tell me what to do. I need your response quickly

  3. is there a way you can have the tagline show on teh himepage but not the webiste title. The title of my site is in the image so i dont need it on their twice. Any help much appreciated.

    1. There is not a “built-in” way to accomplish this in WordPress since headers and footers appear on all pages. Some 3rd party themes do allow this, so you may want to try one of the many available.

      Another option is to use custom-coding to accomplish this. This would require familiarity with HTML, CSS, PHP, etc.

      Thank you,

  4. I changed my site title in WP settings > general, cleared cache, cleared browser cache and contact form 7 email says: This e-mail was sent from a contact form on [old site title] 

  5. Thank you. Was trying to figure out why my name is still showing old even when I changed it in general. The them has an SEO section and I forgot I had set the old name in there. Changed it and now it is showing the right site identity. Kind of hard to have a site teaching game development when your site is named Get the Girl.

  6. If Google has already cached that old data, it may still be there temporarily. Once they re-crawl your site it will correct itself.

  7. Hi! I ‘ve edited the Site title and Tagline, but still, the header in the tab of my browser shows the domain name of the site instead of the Site title.

    1. I first recommend clearing your browser cache, to rule this out.

      This setting location can differ based on the specific theme you have. Check the settings for your theme to see if there is a separate location to set this.

      Also some plugins (such as SEO plugins) can add a seperate area for specifying the setting.

      Thank you,

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