Table of Contents
When you’re running a business online, anything you can find to make things easier is worth trying! If you’ve just linked WordPress site to your social media accounts, it’s time to improve your WordPress social media management with ‘If This Then That‘!
- Use IFTTT and Manage WordPress Social Media
- Standard Posts to Social Media
- Send Your Posts to Reddit!
- Never Forget a Post with Evernote!
Use IFTTT and Manage WordPress Social Media
If This Then That (IFTTT) is a free service that lets you connect different apps and software platforms. Have you ever wanted your lights to come on automatically when you get home? Just connect your phone to your smart home light system! IFTTT services or ‘applets’ aren’t just for personal convenience. Some applets can make it easier for you to manage the social media presence of your WordPress site!
For all of the ‘applets’ below, you should create an IFTTT account and make sure it is fully secured before connecting anything to your site. It’s a good idea to install the IFTTT app on your smartphone or tablet as well. That way you can easily turn it off or adjust the settings if need be.
Standard Posts to Social Media
Once set up, IFTTT can control actions on both your WordPress site and any social media accounts you link it to. Be sure that you take all necessary security precautions before making this connection, and do not set it up for sites that will have posts or data that should never be made public. The following applets are all quite simple— they post a link to your content on another platform.
Send Your Posts to Facebook
IFTTT’s WordPress to Facebook applet is a great way to keep the Facebook page for your site or business active! Before setting this applet up, be sure your WordPress site is already up and running and that you have an appropriate Facebook page to connect this with.
Enabling this applet means that every WordPress post you make will automatically be turned into a Facebook post as well! This will save you the time of manually posting new information to Facebook and helps you establish a strong social media presence to improve your SEO.
Tweet Your Posts to Twitter
Twitter is made for sharing short, instant bursts of communication. Now you can make sure all your followers are alerted whenever you post an article. That way, everyone will know when you have something new!
Pin Your Posts to Pinterest
If you’re a food or crafts blogger, you need to be on Pinterest. You’ll want to have strong, eye catching visuals before you set up this applet. It will send any WordPress posts you make to Pinterest as a pin. Since it only sends a picture and title, make sure your posts are optimized for the Pinterest platform!
Only post to appropriate social media platforms for your site or business. Pinterest is great for your baking blog, but probably not the best for text heavy posts that rarely have images or visuals.
Send Your Posts to Reddit!
IFTTT’s Reddit Applet requires a more detailed explanation than the others. Not only will you need to create a Reddit account, but you will also need to decide which subreddit to post your articles to. Subreddits are how Reddit organizes posts by topic. You will want to choose a subreddit that is both appropriate to all of your blog posts and that does not have any rules against these sorts of posts. If you’re not sure where to post, you can always create your own subreddit.
Never Forget a Post with Evernote!
One last useful piece of software you can link your WordPress site to is Evernote. Evernote is a comprehensive note-taking platform that comes with a variety of features and plans. A free account is more than enough to use IFTTT’s ’Archive new posts to an Evernote notebook’ applet. It can never hurt have extra backup, and this copy of your post (complete with URL) has a lot benefits. Not only does it provide you exact record each initial post, but in many cases will be faster search through few files for specific pieces text than entire WordPress site.
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