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How to Speed Up Your Site with the Jetpack Image CDN

If you use a lot of images in yours posts and pages, they might be causing your site to load slowly. And this can have a negative effect on your visitor experience. With so many other fast sites out there, your visitors will likely hit their back button and leave your site for another.

Thankfully, the free version of the Jetpack plugin includes a powerful Image CDN feature. With one click, you can activate this feature and your images will be served from the cloud instead of your host server. This will allow your site to load significantly faster.

How it Works

Once you upload an image to your WordPress site, it resides on your hosting account. When you include that image in page or post, it will load alongside the other page content.

With the Image CDN feature enabled, the code for the image on the page is re-written to load an image that has been automatically uploaded to the cloud. This means if you disable the Image CDN at a later time, or you stop using Jetpack in the future, your images will still be present on your site.

How to Enable the Image CDN Feature

If you activated the recommended features when first installing Jetpack then you should already have the Image CDN feature enabled. If not, we will show you how to enable and disable it.

  1. Log into your WordPress Dashboard
  2. Find Settings under Jetpack
  3. Scroll down to the Speed up your site section
  4. Toggle on Serve images from our servers

Now, the Image CDN feature is enabled. You can use this same switch to disable the feature.

Christopher Maiorana Content Writer II

Christopher Maiorana joined the InMotion community team in 2015 and regularly dispenses tips and tricks in the Support Center, Community Q&A, and the InMotion Hosting Blog.

More Articles by Christopher

4 thoughts on “How to Speed Up Your Site with the Jetpack Image CDN

  1. What is the CDN provided by In motion? I’m looking at the WordPress hosting options and is listed as available.

    1. Hello Stevan – InMotion does not have a specific CDN service. We provide CDN options through 3rd party services such as Jetpack in WordPress.

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