The WordPress 3.7.1 Maintenance version has been released. This version was released to address bugs in the 3.7 version. Here’s a list of the current fixes:
- Fixed the visual editor issue where images with captions appear broken
- Allowed for older/misconfigured servers to check for updates from the website
- Fixed fatal errors due caused by some plugins
- Fixed the sorting for some of the WordPress functions so that it works when searches are made with empty values
- Fixed some warnings and notices that appear during a search that occur for some WordPress configurations
For a complete list, please go to the ticket list or the changelog.
If you have problems with the background update, you can get the Background Update Tester plugin (version 1.1). This will allow you to test and see if you can run the background updates and describe possible problems.
If you are installing WordPress 3.7 for the first time, you can download it directly here.
WordPress 3.7 is now available! They have named the release “Basie” in honor of famed jazz pianist William James “Count” Basie. You can update through the WordPress Administrator dashboard, or go to the WordPress download site. If you are used Softaculous to install WordPress, you can also logini to your cPanel and run Softaculous to upgrade your WordPress installation(s). If you need more information, check out How to upgrade a program installed with Softaculous. The major change in WordPress 3.7 is the automatic update. For more detailed information on using the automatic update, please see Automatically updating your WordPress site.
WordPress 3.7 release candidate 2 is available for testing. If you have already installed and are testing WordPress 3.7, then you may notice that it has already been updated, per the automatic background updates.
The latest news on the upcoming update indicate that the automatic background updates are going to run every 12 hours and will include security and minor releases. You might get two emails for the results of the update: one for debugging and the normal update email. Please report any bugs found to the WordPress Trac.
With your help in testing, they are hoping to get WordPress 3.7 released by October 25th!
Here’s a quick summary of the feature list. Note that it appears 3.7 will release in October with some tweaks and subtle changes. They anticipate a version 3.8 with more visible improvements around December.
Automatic updates – allows for WordPress updates to occur without you having to click on something to make it happen. You would see a note identifying when the administrator was working on an update.
Password metering improvement – provides an idea of how strong or weak your password is before you set it
Ability to order your search results by relevance – meaning that you can order the results of your search as it relates to your keyword instead of just by date.