WordPress 3.7 Beta 1 Summary

WordPress 3.7 Beta 1 is available for testing. Go to the WordPress beta download site to get the latest versions. You can also use the WordPress Beta Tester plugin.

WordPress 3.7 Beta 1 Update News

Here’s a quick summary of the feature list. Note that it appears 3.7 will release in October with some tweaks and subtle changes. They anticipate a version 3.8 with more visible improvements around December.

  • Automatic updates page

    Automatic updates – allows for WordPress updates to occur without you having to click on something to make it happen. You would see a note identifying when the administrator was working on an update.

  • Password metering

    Password metering improvement – provides an idea of how strong or weak your password is before you set it

  • Option to search by keyword

    Ability to search in order of relevance – you can search by keywords for your content

Arnel Custodio Content Writer I

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