Melbourne IT/Tucows email

Change of Registrar Email from Melbourne IT

InMotion Hosting uses Melbourne IT as our domain registrar partner. This means that InMotion is not the actual registrar, but a reseller for Melbourne IT regarding your domain names. Recently, Melbourne IT’s reseller business was acquired by Tucows Inc. Melbourne IT has been sending out an email to all cutomers of resellers. This includes any InMotion customers that have their domain names registered through us.

The email is legitimate, so there is no need to worry about it being fake or a scam. The management and function of your domain name through InMotion will not change.

The email reads as follows:

Dear registrant

Your domain name is currently registered via Inmotion Hosting, a reseller of Melbourne IT Ltd, your registrar of record. Please note that following the acquisition of Melbourne IT Ltds international reseller business by Tucows Inc. In March 2016 your domain name will be transferred from Melbourne IT Ltd to Tucows Inc. as part of a bulk transfer of domain names. The proposed bulk transfer only involves a change of the registrar sponsorship from Melbourne It Ltd to Tucows Inc. and will not affect your ownership of your domain or your rights as a registrant. After the proposed transfer, all information on your Whois record will remain unchanged except the sponsoring registrar will be changed from melbourne it ltd to tucows inc. The proposed transfer is also subject to the review and appoval of the applicable registry. All transfer rules and policies set by ICANN and the applicable registry shall remain in effect followings such transfer.

You will continue to be supported by INMOTION after this transfer. The customer support and technical contact information of INMOTION is as follows:

How To Get Support

For your information only, Tucows’ contact information is as follows:

Tel: 1 888 511 7284

You can choose to opt out of this bulk transfer by transferring your domain to another reseller within 30 calendar days of receiving this email.

Should you have any questions, please feel free to get in touch with us. Many thanks for your cooperation.

0 thoughts on “Melbourne IT/Tucows email

  1. Received an email purportedly from Melbourne IT regarding a client’s upcoming registration renewal. Has Tucows taken over yet? Why are we still receiving emails from Melbourne?

    1. We currently still deal with emails and transfers tagged as Melbourne IT, so the email you see is likely legitimate. You can send a copy to our Live Support for verification if you would like.

  2. Never knew Melbourne IT was that big? They have my .com domain but refuse to reply to my emails.. How would one ask them? Hopefully Tucows will reply lol

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