Common words that trigger spam filters

Below is a current list of the most popular words used in spam emails. As such, these words get higher spam points by evaluators. Once an email has too many spam points, it will get flagged as spam, either by outgoing filters or filters on the incoming mail servers. Using one of these phrases once will not trigger an email as spam, but using a phrase repeatedly or many of these phrases together in the same email can cause it to be flagged as spam.

List of most common terms that trigger spam filters

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19 thoughts on “Common words that trigger spam filters

  1. I’ve been having trouble sending my customers their invoices for over a year. About half of them get to the customer. I don’t get any bounce back email so I don’t know if the customer got the email or not. I only find out after months of not getting paid. It seems to me that they are mostly gmail customers but some of my gmail customers them my invoice. After reading some of the comments here, is this why my emails are net getting to them? Every invoice email is identical with just the customers name different and the name of the attached invoice PDF file. Help would be appreciated.

    1. Sorry to hear that you’re running into trouble with this. I wanted to offer a few tips to help deal with the situation and narrow down what might be causing your emails to be flagged as spam. First, as these emails being sent by you, manually, or using a script on your site? A common cause of errors is using the php mail function instead of SMTP; if you have WordPress, try using WP Mail SMTP or Easy WP SMTP. Double-check the configuration of your SPF and DKIM records, along with your DMARC records — I’d specifically recommend that you configure your DMARC to return rejection/error notices to an email address you create specifically for this purpose. Then you can send a few test messages to troubleshoot the problem.

      Lastly, be sure to check your email error logs, which is easy to do in cPanel, and give you helpful information regarding why specific email may have been rejected. Hope that helps!

  2. Apologies for the frustration with spam. Unfortunately, you’re one of the millions who face this everyday. The causes of spam are numerous. Probably the easiest cause of getting spam is if your email address was recorded somewhere, or if it is public and easy to store (e.g. your email is on a public web page). If you are an InMotion customer you do have several options to help keep spam away. Check out these articles for more information. You can also submit a ticket to have your account scanned to make sure that your spam email is not coming from a malware script on your website account.

    If your email has been publicized in some form, or if you believe that it has been compromised, I would recommend changing it or adding strict filters. If your email is public, you should use a form instead or other email address instead of your personal one. Spam is unfortunately an issue that plagues the internet in general. Your best bet is to keep your email private, actively use spam filters or security tools.

  3. This is ridiculous. I suddenly cannot send out a simple work email because apparently there are words triggering your spam filters. I contact support an the robot in charge tells me to reword my email. So now I have a robot telling me to rewrite a business email? And what are the words triggering the sudden spam? I read the list above . Jesus, these are words we use everyday in our business emails. Your filters and algorithms are too severe. There must be a way customers can control these filters. 

    1. Hello,

      Apologies for the frustration with dealing with your outbound emails being labeled as spam. There are valid reasons that these rules are in place. Mainly, it is due to spam being automatically sent by malicious code on websites that lead to the entire server being blacklisted. Blacklisted servers can lead to hundreds or thousands of users being unable to use the email server. We do have documentation on the issue that you can read in this article: 550 This Message Was Classified as SPAM and May Not Be Delivered .

      If you have worked with the other solutions above and are still having issues with your emails getting classified as spam, you will want to contact our Live Support department. Simply forward the failed email complete with the bounceback headers and a request to review the problem in a support ticket (through AMP: and they will be able to test the email against the filter and find which rules were violated.

      Kindest regards,
      Arnel C.

  4. The words “Order Status” used as possible triggering words to determine the e-email as spam is particularly bullshit.   That would flag auto response e-mails from more than several ecommerce sites, at least one of which is offered by this host.  I agree with the original OP, what is the point for being that picky?

    Since about May we have had over half our outgoing e-mails get blocked from even making it to the e-mail server.  It is NOT our internet provider which leads us to our web host and their mail server (that we use).  What is even more mind boggling is some e-mails get through to some people, other e-mails to the same people do not go through.  Could be a new e-mail or could be a reply.  There is never any consistency to it.  

  5. I am extremely disappointed in what is going on here.

    An email I received is not delivered when I respond because of “SPAM keywords” on some list (that did not stop it on it’s way in)… defined by who?!

    Has anyone really looked at this list… I read the entire list and it is mind boggling. This is not an attempt at reducing SPAM… this appears more as an exercise in controlling information flow and seeing if everyone will simply buy into it. For example;

    “Apply Online, Billing address, Click below, Congratulations, Free quote, Guarantee, Opportunity, Order status, Terms and conditions, US dollars”….  Really?! I don’t know about you, but if this list gets any longer… working over the internet will be seriously restricted.

    Again, WHO is creating this list?

    1. Hello,

      I can understand your frustration. To answer your question, this list is compiled using common vocabulary found in the Subject of many Spam email messages. This list should not be construed as words that you can not use in emails. However, it should be referenced to assist you with reducing the likelihood of your email’s content being identified as Spam.

  6. I have been having similar problems and it is GREATLY affecting my business!!!!! Please help fix this or I will be forced to change providers.

      1. “following ARnel’s advice” above has left me waiting on hold for support for now 17 minutes. Totally regretting our move 2 weeks ago to InMotion for our email hosting. Nothing but problems and wasted time so far.

      2. Hello and I apologize for any inconvenience. I feel your frustration and want you to help you resolve this. Please check our guide to strengthen email authentication and check for any email errors or if they’re going to spam. Afterwards, please email Live Support with verification, your issues, and your explicit permission to configure your account(s) with that email authentication guide. We’ll work to resolve your issue as soon as possible.

  7. Hello, I need your help because most of my email is counted into SPAM. It is too inconvenient. I am using Japanese so any words I use are not on the list. SOS

    I send it from


    Title:from Natsuko









  8. We got the message below. There is noting wrong with the email address we used. That should not happen.

    From: System Administrator
    Sent: Wednesday, April 20, 2016 6:57 AM
    Subject: Undeliverable: [SPAM]Invoice-RE: Translation Done–RE: new job 17003

    Your message did not reach some or all of the intended recipients.

          Subject:  RE: [SPAM]Invoice-RE: Translation Done–RE: new job 17003

          Sent:     4/20/2016 6:57 AM

    The following recipient(s) cannot be reached:

          ‘Eric Cheng’ on 4/20/2016 6:57 AM

    550 information, please see


    1. Hello Bert,

      Sorry for the problem with the email delivery. The problem is related to the Spam Assassin filtering outbound messages. Sometimes -depending on the formatting or content of the email – a false positive may be generated which causes the email to be filtered out. You can contact our live technical support team via phone/chat/email in order to have your domain whitelisted so that your outbound emails are not filtered. You will need to verify your account with either the full Account Management Panel (AMP) password or last 4 digits of credit card on the account.

      I hope this helps to answer your question, please let us know if you require any further assistance.

      Arnel C.

  9. This message was created automatically by mail delivery software.

    A message that you sent could not be delivered to one or more of its
    recipients. This is a permanent error. The following address(es) failed:


    how can solving this problem

    1. Hello ,

      Thank you for contacting us. Typically, after the error lists the address that failed, it will say why. We are happy to help you troubleshoot a returned mail, but will need to see the full returned/bounced message

      For more information, see our full guide: Why does Email bounce, bounceback, or error?.

      Thank you,

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