Email error 552

A 552 email error is typically ecountered when there is a problem related to an attachement in your email. Either it has exceeded the size limits of the remote server, or the file-type isn’t allowed by the remote server. Some mail servers also seem to use this error code incorrectly when blocking a message due to triggering a filter such as a URL in the message being found in a domain black list.

You should receive a bounce-back message from the server with a variation of email error 552 in the subject, and the body should contain your original message that you attempted to deliver.

Example of a 552 bounce-back message

Return-path: <>
Delivery-date: Mon, 22 Oct 2012 11:30:14 -0700
Received: from mailnull by with local (Exim 4.77)
id 1TQMlS-0005G9-3e
for; Mon, 22 Oct 2012 11:30:14 -0700
Auto-Submitted: auto-replied
From: Mail Delivery System
Subject: Mail delivery failed: returning message to sender
Date: Mon, 22 Oct 2012 11:30:14 -0700
This message was created automatically by mail delivery software.
A message that you sent could not be delivered to one or more of its
recipients. This is a permanent error. The following address(es) failed:
SMTP error from remote mail server after end of data:
host []:
552 5.3.4 Message size exceeds fixed maximum message size
—— This is a copy of the message, including all the headers. ——
—— The body of the message is 10672605 characters long; only the first
—— 106496 or so are included here.
Return-path: <>
Received: from ([123.123.123]:33534 helo=Admin)
by with esmtpsa (TLSv1:AES128-SHA:128)
(Exim 4.77)
(envelope-from <>)
id 1TQMjz-0004Ug-Sz; Mon, 22 Oct 2012 11:29:42 -0700
From: Sender <>
Subject: Annual report
Date: Mon, 22 Oct 2012 14:29:18 -0400
To: Recipient <>

Common variations of the 552 email error

  • 552 5.2.2 mailbox quota exceeded for this recipient
  • 552 5.2.2 User mailstore exceeded quota limit
  • 552 5.2.3 Message exceeds local size limit.
  • 552 5.2.3 message size exceeds fixed maximum message size
  • 552 5.3.4 Message size exceeds fixed limit
  • 552 5.3.4 Message size exceeds fixed maximum message size
  • 552 5.3.4 message size limit exceeded at MAIL FROM
  • 552 Backend Replied []: 5.3.4 Message size exceeds fixed maximum
  • 552 mail size or count over quota.
  • 552 message size exceeds maximum message size
  • 552 size limit exceeded
  • 552 too many messages in this mail box.
  • 552 Transaction failed, remote said “550 failed: User does not exist.”
  • 552-Requested mail action aborted: exceeded storage allocationn
  • 552-5.2.2 The email account that you tried to reach is over quota.
  • 552-5.2.3 Your message exceeded Google’s message size limits. Please visitn
  • 552-5.7.0 Our system detected an illegal attachment on your message. Pleasen
  • 552 Virus found inside of the email
  • 552 5.2.0 Remote MTA An URL contained in this message is blacklisted by SURBL. See

Resolving a 552 email error bounceback

The 552 series of errors can sometimes be a soft or hard bounce. For a more in-depth review of what a soft or hard bounce is, and general email bounceback reasons you can read why does email bounce, bounceback, or error?

In our example bounce-back error above the reason the message has failed is because the server for has a fixed message size limit. The attempted message exceeded this limit so it was not accepted and generated this bounce-back error.

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29 thoughts on “Email error 552

  1. Dear All

    I have use Godaddy email and domain my email id, I am facing issue when i configuar in outlook my SMTP outgoing server is  not allow to log in (Asking me passwor again and again). I have contacted Godaddy they asking me to conact outlook for this issue.

    2. when I configuar on mobile email application outgoing server asking me check SPF settings.

    request yuo to kindly help me out.




    Firoz Inamdar 

    1. It sounds like your email password or username may be incorrect and your SPF record needs to be updated, It looks like your DNS is controlled by WEBHOSTBOX.NET so you will need to contact them to setup your SPF record and you will need to contact GoDaddy to ensure your email credentials are correct.

  2. Dear All,

    im getting bellow error massage in my SMTP server

    The following recipient(s) cannot be reached:


          ‘Legacy Travels’ on 6/1/2018 10:54 AM

                552 OcXnfvpWwHa4d :: auth :: Message rejected for spam or virus content :: Please include this entire message when contacting support :: v=2.3 cv=fO8XI6Se c=1 sm=1 tr=0 p=Q7AGX+HxqKFDEVyviBV4wg==:17 a=Q7AGX+HxqKFDEVyviBV4wg==:117 a=DAwyPP_o2Byb1YXLmDAA:9 a=QCuCy42ajl0-egl6SwoA:9 a=CjuIK1q_8ugA:10 a=yMhMjlubAAAA:8 a=SSmOFEACAAAA:8 a=L17zka6jW3IQaD5gNEkA:9 a=tJKClnUVLbbBXS10:21 a=gKO2Hq4RSVkA:10 a=UiCQ7L4-1S4A:10 a=hTZeC7Yk6K0A:10 a=frz4AuCg-hUA:10 a=XYLlwPbBhXHIu7y30V8A:9 a=Y6UQ_ngVJg6tQhOE:18 a=KQqxNPgzF0kA:10 a=DIyJOsdSk80A:10 :: 100.00


    1. Hello,

      I’m sorry to see that you are receiving that error message. Unfortunately, it’s not very descriptive as to whether this is your SMTP server or the receiving server that is rejecting the delivery of the message to the inbox based on the spam filtering enabled. I recommend contacting the host of your SMTP server to review the email to modify it to conform to their filters. If the issue persists, then I recommend reaching out to the recipient to do the same with their filters or request them to whitelist your domain to bypass their incoming spam filters.

      I hope this helps,
      Carlos D

  3.  Hello,

    I’ve been trying to resolve the following error message I’ve been getting with certain messages being bounced back when I am trying to forward. Can you please help me understand this message? It is not a size issue or an attachment issue. I’ve contacted our email provider for assistance and they suggested it might be an issue with our Outlook or firewall?

     552 5.2.0 ESMTP server not available AUP#O-1450


    Thank you!!!!!

    1. Since it is an ESMTP error I recommend checking the settings on your forwarder.

      I also recommend checking your mail logs for additional clues or record of the forwarder.

      Thank you,

  4. “552 5.2.3 Message size is over limit (20971520)”

    Hi there,

    I’m got these error while sending an attachment file even though the attachment was already compress to only 4mb. I sent it to 5 recipient. How come it could be bounce back. Please help.



    1. Rady, have you tried sending a message without the attachment? What type of attachment is it? Have you tried sending with an even smaller file? You may need to contact your mail host for more information about what is causing the problem.

  5. Please HELP Me 🙁

    I’ve sent many times to an email address for two days, but I always get a reply from the mailer daemon as below:

    This message was created automatically by mail delivery software.

    A message that you sent could not be delivered to one or more of its
    recipients. This is a permanent error. The following address(es) failed:
        LMTP error after end of data: 552 5.2.2 <> Not enough disk quota

    Action: failed
    Final-Recipient: rfc822;
    Status: 5.0.0


    What should I do so that my email can be sent?

    Thank you so much

    1. The specific error message is ‘Not enough disk quota’ which means they need to clean their mailbox out to get more mail or add space to it. This is nothing you can do from your end.

  6. Hi,

    I am getting the below response when someone send emails to my email adress. It has been working fine until 2 days ago when i started getting compaints that messages bounce back everytime someone sends me emails.

    I sent test email form my Gmail and i got the response below. 


    A message that you sent could not be delivered to one or more of its
    recipients. This is a permanent error. The following address(es) failed:
        LMTP error after end of data: 552 5.2.2 <> Quota exceeded (mailbox for user is full)

    —— This is a copy of the message’s headers. ——

    Return-path: <>
    Received: from [] (
            by with esmtp (Exim)
            id 1b4NSo-00071B-Ck
            for; Sun, 22 May 2016 03:06:14 -0400
    Received: from ([])
            by bosimpinc12 with bizsmtp
            id xK6C1s05y177Xtt01K6E9o; Sun, 22 May 2016 03:06:14 -0400
    X-EN-IMPSID: xK6C1s05y177Xtt01K6E9o
    Received: by  with SMTP id b65so92302988oia.1
            for <>; Sun, 22 May 2016 00:06:14 -0700 (PDT)
    DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;
  ; s=20120113;
    X-Google-DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;
  ; s=20130820;
    X-Gm-Message-State: AOPr4FWA6X7s9LdKozy0mjDe9x/k2NU8uOzdqkDpSUabAJveOzs5ggeZ+UK/qXkByszlHJwYoH+SMMTbYSpXpg==
    MIME-Version: 1.0
    X-Received: by with SMTP id k29mr6429205otd.148.1463900772622;
     Sun, 22 May 2016 00:06:12 -0700 (PDT)
    Received: by with HTTP; Sun, 22 May 2016 00:06:12 -0700 (PDT)
    In-Reply-To: <000001d1b276$c1560460$44020d20$>
    References: <000001d1b276$c1560460$44020d20$>
    Date: Sun, 22 May 2016 11:06:12 +0400
    Message-ID: <>
    Subject: Re: Ticket
    From: Khalfan AlAmri <>
    To: Khalfan Triangle <>
    Content-Type: multipart/related; boundary=001a1146038c8a6354053368f56b
    X-EN-Class: impinc

    1. The error message gives the specific reason ‘mailbox for user is full’ so it appears that your mailbox may be max capacity for its settings. You will need to either remove some emails or increase the limit allowed.

  7. Dear All,


    I have SME 9.0 server mails are confiugre and working properly in Thunderbird Lates version and if i try to configure MS Office 2013 on IMAP i got the error

    The server respond:552 Mail with no date header not accepted  here 


  8. was receiving no emails, sent one to myself, message from system administrator who remains anonymous, unreachable. sent my self email to my gmail account it arrived. i had received the message that mail box of the recipient, meaning me, was full.  i completely emptyed my delete folder,drafts, everything and eventually i could send an email to myself that arrived.  i do not want this to happen again what was the cause.

    1. Hello sharon,

      Thank you for contacting us. We are happy to help, but will need some additional information such as the exact error you are seeing, and specific sending and receiving email addresses.

      If you do not want to post this information here in our public forums, I recommend submitting a ticket for review to Live Support. Be sure to include as much information as possible to help us replicate your specific issue.

      Thank you,


    This is the mail system at host




    I’m sorry to have to inform you that your message could not be delivered to one or more recipients. It’s attached below.




    For further assistance, please send mail to postmaster.




    If you do so, please include this problem report. You can delete your own text from the attached returned message.




                       The mail system




    <> (expanded from <>): host

     [] said: 552 5.2.2 Over quota (in reply to


        end of DATA command)


    1. Hello Shaun,

      This error is stating that the email address you are sending too has run out of disk space allotted to them. There is nothing you can do on your end.

      Best Regards,
      TJ Edens

  10. hi


    i can send a 15mb file but my frend cant get a bounce back error 552 file size exceeded how can i fix it pleas help


    1. Hello Christo,

      Sorry for the error you’re getting. The problem is usually due to restrictions at an email host. If your friend is unable to receive the file, then you should either split the file so that it’s smaller, or use a service or option like Google Drive, where you can share the file and then your friend can download it, in spite of its size. If your friend has file size restrictions, then sharing the file with something like Google drive is the most cost effective way to handle it, because its’ free!

      Kindest regards,
      Arnel C.

  11. Respected Sir/ Mam,

    Please help me . and confirm urgnetly 

     How many size for attached file and type,  Error  522 (5:2:2) Mostly




    1. Hello vub,

      Thank you for contacting us today. I’m not exactly sure what you are asking, but the maximum email size limit for our servers is 50MB.

      If you need additional help, please provide more details into your problem and what you are trying to accomplish.

      Thank you,

  12. HI,

    Need a support on Email Bounce back. Yesterday evening we have sent an email with attachment of 8MB in size. And we got a bounce back message that the Message size exceeds the fixed limit.


    The error that the other server returned was: 552 5.3.4 Message size exceeds fixed limit.

    I can understand about the attachment limits.

    My question is why we are getting the bounce back after 12 hours. Generaly it should bounce back immediatly.

    Please advise on the same.

    Thanks & Regards
    K Shyam kumar

    1. Hello Shyam,

      Email was never meant to be instant, so if emails or even returned emails do not come back immediately, it is neither uncommon nor an issue. It seems the attachment size for the receiving server is hard set for their security reasons so you would just need to know the size limit. Perhaps you can compress the file to be under that limit.

      As for the return taking 12 hours, email is as email does. Delays can be caused by queues on the sending server or during any one of the stops in between. Although we are used to getting emails very quickly, delivery time within 24 hours was the original design and at times you will see delays of a few hours, even for bouncebacks.

      Kindest Regards,
      Scott M

  13. This is the mail system at host

    I’m sorry to have to inform you that your message could not
    be delivered to one or more recipients. It’s attached below.

    For further assistance, please send mail to postmaster.

    If you do so, please include this problem report. You can
    delete your own text from the attached returned message.

    The mail system

    <>: host[] said: 552
    5.2.2 Over quota (in reply to end of DATA command)


    1. Hello Ncedo,

      Unfortunately your post does not give any details about why the message was not delivered. You may want to check out our bounce back parser tool that may help give an explanation. If not, you may want to contact our Live Support to have them check into the server logs (assuming you are one of our customers)

      Kindest Regards,
      Scott M

  14. Very straightforward and easy to understand explanations, to problems which, if explained differently, would make the average Layman’s head fall off!

    Maybe suggest a solution, (Error 552 size limit exceeded), or does this issue need to be resolved by the recipient?
    Thanks, Andy Cooper

    1. Hello Andy Cooper,

      The solution depends on the error and yes, many of these will require action by either the recipient or the sender. In some cases, if the email is too large for the recipient, then either the sender needs to find an alternate way of sending the message, or the receiver needs to make it possible for the size of the email to be able to received (this would be generally done by the email server administrator).

      In other cases, the email account may be full and the recipient needs to clear space in order to receive it. So there are many variants as to how this particular error can appear, but the action that is required depends on the wording of the error message being sent. It’s generally self-explanatory. However, if there is a confusion in interpreting the error message, then the sender should contact our live technical support team for further clarification.

      Kindest regards,
      Arnel C.

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