Email: Getting Started Guide

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When you sign up for your web hosting package with InMotion Hosting you gained the ability to create email addresses. If your domain is “” you could have many different email accounts such as ““, ““, and many more. Anytime you want to create a new email address you can do so in cPanel. Read below for a quick guide on getting started with email.

Getting Started: Creating Email Accounts

The very first step required for using the email service on your server with InMotion Hosting is to create the email account in your cPanel. For further assistance on how to do this, please visit our article on How to create an email account. Once you have set up your email account in your cPanel, you can begin to use your email. The next sections will guide you on how to access your email.

How to Access Your Email Account

Before you begin to set up your email client, you must first decide how you would like to access your email. You can use many different programs to check your email. You can use a Desktop Program like Outlook, Mac Mail, or Thunderbird. You can use the browser-based programs Horde or Round Cube to check from any location using your web browser.

Configuring a Desktop Email Client

Common email clients that most users are familiar with include Microsoft Outlook and Mac Mail. You can use any program you want as long as is it can connect to our servers. Below are links to our tutorials for setting up email clients.

Basic Email Settings

You will need the settings to configure your email client. While each client is different in its layout and verbiage, there is still a basic set of information that the email client will need. Below is how to get your email settings.

SSL email settings

Below is an example of the recommended Secure settings. The SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) protocol is for connecting to your server securely to prevent network “snoopers” from seeing your data over the network connection. The “secure##” will need the “##” changed to your server number. To find your server number, see your AMP technical details.

  • Incoming Server:
  • Outgoing Server:
  • Username: Your full e-mail address
  • Password: Your e-mail account password
  • Incoming Port: POP3 995 or IMAP 993
  • Outgoing Mail server (SMTP) Port: 465
  • SSL: YES
  • SMTP Authentication Required
  • Secure Authentication or SPA needs to be turned off

Please note that the exact server name and settings can vary from one server type to another, so be sure to check your email settings in cPanel and confirm exactly what you need.

Accessing your Email via Webmail

Webmail allows you to check your email from within your browser, such as Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, or Safari. To learn how to log into your webmail, please see our tutorial on how to log into webmail. A big advantage of using Webmail is that you do not need to configure any settings. You can simply log into webmail and begin using it. Another advantage is that your information is stored on the server so it can be accessed from any computer you’re logging in from.

Configuring your Mobile Device

You can also configure your mobile phone or other mobile devices to connect to your email. Below are links to tutorials for setting up email on some common phones and devices.

Troubleshooting Email Problems

If you find yourself having an issue with either sending or receiving email after you have set up your email client, please see the following articles for additional troubleshooting steps:

Other Options Available for use with your Email Account

You can also forward emails, set up autoresponders, and more for your email accounts.

Spam Protection

Below are links to tutorials on how you can control and stop spam.

If for whatever reason you cannot send using your email through your email client, please see our article on Problems Sending Mail – Receiving is Fine.

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196 thoughts on “Email: Getting Started Guide

  1. I can’t get Hubspot to connect to the SSL Secrure server – says IMAP settings are incorrect. I used above scrit with server number from AMP and everything

    1. Hi – You can find the correct InMotion Hosting server settings for email here. We would need more information on the issue before we could assist any further.

  2. Where are the emails disappearing – email app or Webmail? Also, are you using IMAP or POP3?

  3. My mail client keeps getting a “Cannot Verify Server Identity pop up.  The identity of cannot be verifired by Mail.”


    When I click details it says not trusted.  

    1. Which email client are you using? It’s possible they have some additional verification steps for you to follow.

    1. Hi Tia, sorry to see you’re having trouble. If you are a customer of InMotion Hosting, I recommend contacting our Live Technical Support to determine if PHP mail() function is available on your server. Otherwise, contact your host to determine this.

  4. I’m in the process of moving to inmotionhosting. I started the MX records change and I have a quick question. I use Thunderbird and use POP3. It is set up for my old host. I checked the configs for inmotionhosting and all the configs are the same. I even set up the emails here to be the same with the same passwords. Would I need to change the setting at all or will it just be a seemless change after the propagation is done?

    1. I would suggest making sure that your SMTP/POP servers are correct. Although the account and password are the same, that information may be different. Since you are using POP, I would also make sure that you do not have the “remove email from server once downloaded” option enabled. If it is, you may lose the emails that do not exist on the InMotion server. I hope this helps!

  5. Hello Garry!

    Sorry for the problem with seeing your “sent email.” When an email is sent, the record of it is saved/logged at the server first. If your email client is not subscribed to the SENT folder, then it will not show it . You will need to look into how your email client (Foxmail) subscribes to folders. I did try to find documentation on it, but there doesn’t seem to be anything directly related. Check your client’s documentation or contact their support team for further assistance.

  6. Roundcube sent mail not sync or updating into outlook 2007 sent items. only inbox are sync. how to sync sent mail…..

    1. There can be many reasons why the Outlook is not updating the Sent folder with the emails you are sending from Webmail. However, I would start with trying to subscribe to that folder in Outlook and running whatever function Outlook uses to update the folder manually.

  7. Hi, I am moving the email server to gsuite for the domain  The DNS has been altered accordingly but Gsuite is unable to verify the same. pl help.  The mails are bouncing.

    1. If you just made any DNS changes it may take up to 24 hours of what’s called DNS propagation. This is the delay time before DNS changes take effect. Please give it a little bit. Also, remember that you need to make the DNS changes WHERE you Domain’s DNS is being controlled – typically this is where you have pointed your domain. If you haven’t pointed the domains to us, then we do not have control of the DNS. If that is the case, then DNS changes made here will not affect the domain. If you need immediate help, please contact our live technical support team.

  8. Hi, I am trying to set up my email account with gmail, by following your instructions. When I try ‘adding an email account’ in my gmail settings I get the following error message. I would appreciate some help. Thank you.

     Server denied POP3 access for the given username and password.

  9. hi 

    i forget my email and password for the server so please help me and inform me what can i do ?

    thank you very much

  10. Hello

    I forget my user name & passward for my server i hired .

    how could i log in again to the server ?

    i have paied for the server by my cridet card befor .

  11. Dear Sir/Madam,

    Need support in resolving this technical issue:

    Please note under *******.com, we have 3 mail id created (zaman@*******.com, ornob@*******.com ozaman@*******.com)

    ** When “zaman@*******.com” is sending any mail to “ornob@*******.com & ozaman@*******.com” – the mail is not reaching them. But they are receiving mail send by any other mail id. 

    ** Any mail send by zaman@*******.com are going through to other recipients except ornob@*******.com & ozaman@*******.com

    ** Outgoing mail from (ornob@*******.com ) are working fine.

    Kindly help to resolve this.

    Best rgds/ 

    1. I recommend checking the email logs for additional errors or records of the emails. This should allow you to determine the path the email is taking before they disappear.

      Also, check any mail filters you may have set up.

      Thank you,

  12. If I have two domains/websites on my account (e.g. and, can I set up email for each domain?  For example: and



  13. Hello suport team … 

           I am trying to send email using SMTP but cant able to send it using below code. its just loading and than timeout happen . 

     $mail->Host = “”;
     $mail->Port = 465;
     $mail->SMTPAuth = true;
     $mail->Username = “email”;
     $mail->Password = “password”;

    please help

    1. Sounds like the connection is possibly being blocked. Since this is a public forum, it would be best to reach out to the support department to look into this further.

  14. How do I configure an automated message in Horde or Squirrel Mail or Round cube such as I am out of the office…..

  15. I bought VPS and hosted 3 site on the server. After the transfer to IMH all the emails stoped ( new users registration , lost password , new comment etc) I talked to 3 different rep and they all have a different opinion , I tried what ever they said like changing name server , installing easy smtp mail but nothin works. I am loosing lot of business. Someone please help me.

    1. Hello Kin,

      Sorry for the issues with getting your email working. There may be some confusion here as all hosting subscriptions provide email services. Are you referring to email using your domain name? Or are you referring to email coming from your website? If you’re using “Easy SMTP” – that is used to set up outgoing mail from a WordPress site. WordPress isn’t used to manage emails. However, it can send notifications out. Based on your statement that “new users registration, lost password, new comment etc” have stopped, you’re referring to the outgoing notifications from your WordPress site(s). If you’re having problems with THOSE emails, then it’s either a configuration issue or a security rule is blocking the emails. I think that the likely issue is the security rule. Check out how to disable modsecurity in cPanel. Please try that first. If the problem persists, then call back into our live technical support team and specify that the issue you’re having are emails going out from your WordPress site and they can help you rectify it. We can’t make changes for you in the Support Center.

      If you have any further questions, please let us know.

      Kindest regards,
      Arnel C.

    1. Hello guys,
      For the passed few days I been having a different times with my account. I can receive email from people but whenever I try to email back it can’t go through and they said my messages has been blocked so can you guys please me solve the problem? My email is

      I hope you guys will help me solve the problem.


  16. I would like to change the default webmail client from Horde but the “back arrow” tip given above does not get me to the page where I can disable the default, it sends me to the sign in page.  Any other way to disable the default?

    1. Hello Ken H,

      In the top right-hand corner, click on the drop-down arrow following the email address. You will see the choices for the webmail clients. If you want to get BACK to the original screen where you can decide between the three, you need to click on a star BELOW the 3 mail clients in order to deselect the selected mail client. Once you have deselected the star, in the left-hand screen click on WEBMAIL. This will bring you back to the selection screen for the Webmail client that you wish to use.

      I hope this helps to answer your question, please let us know if you require any further assistance.

      Arnel C.

  17. I’ve set up two email addresses on my add on domain which are both working fine and forwarding correctly. 

    However mailchimp verification is failing and they are telling me that their verification email may be bouncing.

    I tried verifying my primary domain and it worked fine, so my question is, is there some problem because it is an add on domain?



    1. Hello Glenda,

      No, there would not be any additional requirement or complication just because of an addon domain. It should work exactly the same.

  18. I have a question about email security. I see above in the SSL Email Settings that you can use SSL to encrypt client-server communications between your email software and the InMotion servers. Great.

    Many sites these days also use “Opportunistic TSL” to encrypt message contents in transit between the Sending server and Recipient server (note: messages remain unencrypted when stored at either end, they are only encypted in transit). It’s opportunistic because it only encrypts if the destination server can support it – and many of the big guys can these days.

    This level of transit security is required for some customers, such as HIPAA compliance in the health sector. Full compliance actually means they can’t send you an email if the server on your end isn’t TLS compliant for transit purposes.

    Do the InMotion SMTP servers offer that Opportunistic TLS?

    1. No satisfaction here. I have called for 2 weeks to receive verbal assistance for an email issue and the recording has quoted 45 to 60 minute wait times. I just renewed and would like my money back. Thank you

    2. You can reach out to our Customer Service department and they can assist you further. I’m sorry to hear you want to leave. Lately, we’ve experienced higher than normal call volume that has led to increased wait times. If there’s something we can help here, we’d love the opportunity to do so.

  19. Hey there,

    Is there a way to setup this email on and iphone such that I receive instant notification of incoming mail?

    From what I’ve read, I don’t think that the apple’s email client allows for push notifications at a time interval less than 15 minutes.  

    You’re help is greatly appreciated. 


    1. If you want to change the email sync and frequency for receiving emails on your iphone it relatively easy. First, go into your settings and then scroll down to mail. Once there, select fetch new data. From there, the option “push new data” should be highlighted. This means that your phone is constantly checking for new emails coming in.

  20. Hello,

    I just moved my hosting account to InMotion. In doing so I changed the domain servers from the old account to the new one. My previous hosting company said I need to also change my Mail Exchange servers so that my email forwarding continues to work. Any ideas how to do this as I am no longer receiving email?



  21. Please I noticed I cant send messages to every email account in my addressbook all at once, it bounces back and request i reduce the number of emails i’m sending to.

    1. Yes, these settings are the same. They should work on your dedicated server. If you’re still running into problems, I suggest reaching out to support.

  22. hi, i am  not able to add non-google account to my gmail as i am not sure about pop server and username, i just have my email address and password, can i add ?

    thanks in advance

  23. (original comment)This might have already been covered, but couldn’t find it. I have my same email for the past several years. I recently transfered my domain and it’s not totally complete yet. My email no longer works. My question is, once my domain is solidified with Inmotion will my email start working again?

    I’m waiting for my domain to solidify.  It’s been several days.  My listed email isn’t working and I’m assuming because it’s tied to my domain.  What if I can’t receive the email from the Melbourne…?  What should I do?

    1. Hello Jerry,

      Sorry for the problem with your email and your domain. Your email is tied to your domain in that the DNS settings for the domain indicate where the Mail server for that domain is located. If you were having problems with transferring the domain, then you may need to contact our live technical support team to help sort out the issue. If you are unable to receive the email, then we may be able to contact Melbourne and ask for assistance with the issue. There is normally a way to handle it. We can’t take the suggested actions in the Support Center, if you are having problems with the domain. You will need to contact our technical support team via phone/chat/email (information provided below).

      If you have any further questions or comments, please let us know.

      Arnel C.

  24. Hi Arnel,

    Ah…I do see that now. Yeah, that should accomplish my goal. Thank you for your response!



    1. Hello Ponsonnet Thierry,

      Sorry for the problem with setting email on your Samsung S5. The setup for devices will vary depending on the email client (the program used to connect to the email server). We have a general tutorial for setting up an Android Device, but you may need to speak with your device support or internet service provider for details on how to configure the server.

      I hope this helps to answer your question, please let us know if you require any further assistance.

      Arnel C.

  25. The following page may help:

    “There was a problem connecting to
    Server returned error: “Account misconfig: hostname contains unsafe characters.”

    After doing a quick Google search, it seems there are a lot of people running into this error. Luckily, the solution is really simple.


    You’ve probably added an extra space after entering the POP Server: “”. Just take out that trailing space and your problem is solved!

    Little errors like this can be really annoying, so hopefully this saves you a headache.”

  26. I’m creating an email account for a user and would like to give them the option to setup their own password; I don’t want them to feel like they need to use a password that I created. Is there a process in place for when email accounts are created for other users where they’ll need to set their own password upon initial login? Or are they able to reset the password at their end?

    1. Hello Albert,

      At this time, there is no way for your email users to create their email passwords upon the creation of the account. You can provide instructions on how to change the password AFTER the account has been created, but not during the initial creation of the account. Users can go to the URL for webmail and change their email password in the initial screen.

      If you have any further questions or comments, please let us know.

      Arnel C.

  27. Hi,

    I am trying to access my email via webmail. I can send email from the webmail, but I cannot receive emails. They bounce back. Trying to setup mailchimp, but it seems that the verification code they send to my email doesn’t reach my webmail.

    1. Hello VHS,

      You would need to setup a email signature. This will differ from email client to email client. Please see the client’s documentation for further detail.

      If you have any further questions, please let us know.

      Kindest regards,
      Arnel C.

  28. Hi there, I have configured web mail and got it working with my external client. However when I go to I am presented with an ‘inmotion hosting’ page.

    1. Hello Dale,

      Thank you for contacting us. You should go to (be sure to replace with your actual domain name) to access your webmail login page.

      Thank you,

  29. There is a delay from the time an email is sent to the time it is received on  Someone sent me an email three times over 5 minutes, and I still didn’t see the email.  

    Is there a setting on InMotion where I can have the emails sent over real-time?


    Thank you!

  30. Hello,  In the instructions above under these headings:

    Configuring a desktop email client

    Basic Email Settings

    Basic SSL Email Settings


    It says to replace ## for these with the server number I find in my AMP:

    • Incoming Server:
    • Outgoing Server:

    In my AMP, that number has an attached prefix of “vps”.  So if my hypothetical server was vps1234, do I enter it with or without the vps? Should it be

    Incoming Server:   


    Incoming Server:

    1. Becuase you are on a VPS server, you do not have a shared SSL set up. In this instance, it would simply be vps1234 without the “Secure” part.

  31. I am having issues deleting emails after I read them when viewing my mail via my iPhone.  I receive the following message: “Unable to Move Message. The message could not be moved to mailbox Trash.”

    How can I fix this?

    Thanks, Karen

  32. I moved our site from Bluehost to InMotion. However, I want to keep our email at Bluehost until that contract expires. Instead of pointing the nameservers to InMotion I changed just ‘A’ record to point to InMotion. I understood this would accomplish what I wanted. It appears it has not as we’re not receiving email.

    How do I fix this?



    1. Hello Hal,

      This all depends on where your DNS is being controlled and how the mail is being set. In general, if you change the A record for the domain and you want to KEEP your mail from an existing service, then you need to make sure that the mail setting in the DNS is pointing to the correct IP as an A record and not a CNAME. It is typically set to a CNAME, but to keep mail service, it would need to be changed to an A record that is pointing to the right mail server.

      I hope this helps to answer your question, please let us know if you require any further assistance.

      Arnel C.

  33. Currently, we use Round Cube for webmail; however, we plan to begin using Office 365 with Outlook. When we set up Outlook will existing emails be pulled into the new Outlook viewer? Is there anything special we would need to do to bring existing emails into Outlook? 




    1. Yes, when you set up your Outlook account, all the mail currently on your server will be downloaded to that new mailbox location. However, if necessary, we can provide you with a compressed file containing your mail. You will need to check with Microsoft if there is a specific format they prefer for that file.

  34. hello i cant seem to set up how to get emails on my iphone 6 i tried everything and its saying the password is incorrect

  35. I have a gmail business account. I also have a website non hosted at this time. My gmail account is @my web

    I also only use iOS devices. 

    How easy is it to transfer my email account with all its folders and install them again on iPad and iPhone of using your hosting company?

    Is this possible? 

    Thank you

    1. So you want to transfer email / folders from a gmail account to a hosted account. You would have to use an email client to connect to the gmail account and pull the emails down locally using POP3. That way the emails would be in your Mac Mail client. There’s no way to “transfer” email from a Gmail account into a mail account on the server since you do not have access to the files on Gmails server.

  36. This message was created automatically by mail delivery software.


    A message that you sent could not be delivered to one or more of its

    recipients. This is a permanent error. The following address(es) failed:


        host []

        SMTP error from remote mail server after end of data:

        521 5.2.1 :  AOL will not accept delivery of this message.


    —— This is a copy of the message, including all the headers. ——

    —— The body of the message is 428932 characters long; only the first

    —— 106496 or so are included here.

    1. Hello Brian,

      Sorry for the problem with the delivery of your email message. We do need some information in regards to your account in order to investigate the issue. The error message without this information is not sufficient to resolve the issue. Also, if this is a delivery issue that is the result of a server being blocked by AOL, then you will need to submit this information to our live technical support team for resolution. Make sure to provide verification of your account, information about the account being used to deliver the message, and the complete bounce message that you have received from AOL. Apologies again for the issues with email delivery. If you have any further questions or comments, please let us know.

      Arnel C.

  37. Hello

    I do have another question about Horde, why can’t I delete emails? It lets me select emails but not delete them. To delete them I have to go to RoundCube. I would stay with RoundCube But it does not allow for the customization that Horde does.


    Thank You


    1. Hello Johanna,

      If you select to Delete from Horde, I think it still displays them with a strikethrough for a while. This should be deleted later when a script runs to remove them.

      Kindest Regards,
      Scott M

    2. Hello, I am having an issue with my emails sent to all AOL accounts being kicked back. Is this a setting issue with the control panel?


  38. I found my error I had the secure authentication box checked. When I unchecked it it worked. Sorry for the trouble and thanks for the help.



  39. I made the change, but still getting an error message. So I must still have some setting wrong. I am using the following settings

    Account Name:  1sweetgift

    Incoming Server: (using my #)

    Account Type: POP3

    E-Mail Address:

    User Name: admin@1sweetgift

    Password: used my email password

    Outgoing Server: (again my #)

    Then I have boxes checkedd for

    Outgoing servier requires authentication

    Use the same username and password for outgoing e-mail

    Require SSL for incoming e-mail

    Require SSL for outgoing e-mail

    Cannot see where the problem is. It seems to take forever trying to sync also.

    Thank you


  40. Hello

    I am having trouble getting my email account to sync in my windows 10 desktop email. It say’s there is an error with the incoming mail server name. I keep getting Error code 0x80072af9

    I used the with my server number in place of the ##. ie securebiz*** Can you help with this?


    1. You need to remove the “biz” from the setting. It should be replacing the XXX with the number of the server.

  41. I am having trouble getting my email account to sync in my windows 10 desktop email. It say’s there is an error with the incoming mail server name.

    Error code 0x80072af9

    I used the with my server number in place of the ##. ie securebiz— with the — being the number I was given. Can you help with this?

  42. Thanks…..  it really works from the beginning using ‘’ as STMP server BUT…


    InMotionHosting *wrongly* report:


    220-We do not authorize the use of this system to transport unsolicited, 220 and/or bulk e-mail.




    1. Hello Boctulus,

      That is a default Sendmail message when connecting via telnet. You must authenticate with the SMTP server in order to send emails.

      Best Regards,
      TJ Edens

  43. Hi there,


         Could anyone please tell me which one is the ‘server number‘ in the -account-technicial-information web page ?


    I see many fields but none is numeric!

    Thanks in advance!

    1. Hello Paul,

      Thank you for contacting us. Since this was a newly registered domain, it could have been a result of propagation. If emails continue to be delayed, I recommend reviewing your mail logs for timestamps of the message delivery. If you are on a Shared Server Live Support can assist you with this.

      Thank you,

  44. Hi, I told a friend to send an email to address I created, ceo@********.com. He did but I’m not able to access it.

    What sould I do?



  45. The contact form on the osclass site still does not work, but I got the Cpanel web mail working for my  I guess I will just tell members people to contact me that way. hmmmm

    1. Hello Steven,

      Sorry for the continuing problem with the contact form. I was looking at the settings your provided and was curious to know if you tried the non-ssl settings. Since you’re on a shared server, the SSL certificate is based on the server name. However, you email uses your DOMAIN name. So, there will be a conflict between the SSL certificate and the domain name since they’re different. This is a common issue and often handled by simply acknowledging the difference in server when the warning pops up. My point is that in using SMTP for authenticating the outgoing email, your form may not handle this difference. So, my recommendation is to use the NON-SSL settings to avoid this possible conflict and see if it fixes the issue:

      Server type –> Custom Server
      Hostname –> {Replace this with your domain name – so if you’re using, then the hostname should be “”}
      Mail from –> {Replace this with your domain name}
      Name from –> biz177 {This field looks like a label – not really a required field for authentication. For example, it could be “Admin” or “Webmaster”}
      Server port –> Change to 587

      Username –>
      Password –> **************
      Encryption –>Change to NONE
      SMTP is checked – leave this as is.

      Try these settings and see if the form doesn’t work after that. If you continue to have problems, please let us know.

      Arnel C.

  46. This is how I have it filled in:

    Starting from the top,

    Server type –> Custom Server

    Hostname –>

    Mail from –>

    Name from –> biz177

    Server port –> 465

    Username –>

    Password –> **************

    Encryption –> ssl

    SMTP is checked. Then I clicked save.

    Can you tell me what I have filled in wrong please?



    1. Hello Steven,

      The mail from should be an email address and the name from should be your name. If I am understanding the system correctly.

      Best Regards,
      TJ Edens

  47. There is still confusion because that tool only give some of the input data. It does not give the data for all the blanks to fill in. I did set it to what information it does give and yet when I send a test email with the contact us form it says it was sent but it does not arrive in my mail box or junk mail. I do not understand why a tech can not just log in and set it up for me. I will pay the small fee if there is one.

    1. Hello Steven,
      What other fields are there? The link that TJ gave you is all the SMTP settings needed for any email client or CMS to connect and send emails. If you can tell us any other fields that are showing we may be able to help.

      Kindest Regards,
      Scott M

  48. Hi,

    I’m moving my email away from inmotion, and I’m wondering how to take all of the old emails with me please?



    1. Hello Tom,

      Thank you for contacting us. Can you provide the full error recipients are getting when you email them?

      Thank you,

    2. Hello Natalie,

      Thank you for for contacting us. If your new host uses cPanel, you can perform a complete backup which includes all files, databases, and emails. Then, transfer this to your new host.

      You can also download your email using a client (such as Outlook, Mac Mail, Thunderbird, etc.), with POP settings. By default POP removes all emails from the server, and stores them in your email program.

      Thank you,

  49. This is how its filled in yet still does not work.


    Mail Settings

    Server type
    Custom Server


    Mail from
    Name from
    Server port
     Options: blank, ssl or tls 

    Cannot be sure that Apache Module mod_ssl is loaded.

     SMTP authentication enabled
     Use POP before SMTP
    1. Hello Steven,

      To prevent any more confusion please use the following tool to find all of your email settings:

      Best Regards,
      TJ Edens

  50. I can seem to get my email working for my Osclass site.  I received this.




    Can anyone help me?? site is 


    1. Hello Steven,

      Sorry to hear about your troubles with the SMTP settings. This is not coding, but an SMTP settings issue. The ‘from’ server appears to simply be set to the website name “Easy Money Ads” instead of the servername. This is why the email server gave the error “@” or “.” expected after “Easy”.

      This should be easy to change within the OSClassifieds settings where you entered them before. Apologies for Support not noticing this when you first contacted them.

      Kindest Regards,
      Scott M

  51. Hi Scott M 

    question 2 So in my account I have client so can I sent 250 per hour AND my client 250 per hour aswell?

    or is it 250 per  hour for the whole acccount?


    1. Hello Neil,

      You can send 250 emails per hour, but each email can only have 50 recipients. If you send 5 emails with 50 each, that would be your 250. You can receive emails at any rate, as long as it does not stress the server.

      Kindest Regards,
      Scott M

    2. Hello Neil,

      The 250 limit is per cPanel. So if you have more than one domain or person using the cPanel, the total would be 250 per hour for all combined.

      If you have a client on a shared account separate from yours, then they will also have a 250 limit.

      If you are on a VPS or Dedicated servers, there are no limits unless you impose them yourself. Those would also be per cPanel, so if you set a 250 limit for them and have different clients on different cPanels, they would be able to send 250 per hour each.

      Kindest Regards,
      Scott M

  52. Hello Scott M

    Thank you for your prompt reply.

    To clarify we can send 250 per hour and receive 50 responses per hour?  

    would that be 10 hours would be 2500 and 500 responses per 10 hours.

    Would responses include dead gone aways, bounces, unsubcribe, auto out of hours etc?  or is it genuine real people typing themselves?


  53. Hi I wish to do email marketing how many emails could I send out using this smpt ? Hope I am correct in using the right tremanolgy? Thanks

    1. Hello Neil,

      Shared accounts are allowed to send 250 emails per hour, with each email you send having a maximum of 50 recipients.

      Kindest Regards,
      Scott M

  54. Please help!!

    I have been trying for severals days now to set my email and so far i can send emails but cannot receive emails. Instead the sender gets an error message.

    I am hosting with inmotion so using the as my server routes.


    What and or where am i going wrong?





  55. Hi,
    Can I set up email acces via Web, iPhone and Desktop access for the same account or do I need choose between one of the three? I’m considreing using Horde for webmail, Outlook for desktop and iPhone native mail, will I be able to synchronize my email, and calendar across the three?



    1. Hello Chad,

      If you set up your accounts with IMAP then you will be able to sync between all three devices.

      Best Regards,
      TJ Edens

  56. I contacted the domain registrar and they stated that i have the MX on the domain now. Since I added it, it is still giving me the error. They told me to check with whoever the email is bein sent through. All I want to do is connect to gmail through the host email i made for my website.

    1. Hello Ashley,

      You might want to check it again. Changes to the domain – such as mx records – sometime require a little bit of time (called domain propagation) . This will typically take up to 24 hours. If everything is updated and you’re still having problem after allowing for propagation, then you need to find a bounce message to see what’s happening. Your email is configured to go through google. Check with your host in order to get specific mail records and troubleshooting. The URL looked at (in your original post) doesn’t appear to be hosted with us.

      If you have any further questions or comments, please let us know.

      Arnel C.

  57. I just set up my email accounts on my cpanel and I’m now trying to configure for gmail . I’m getting this error message.

    Enter the mail settings for Learn more
    Email address:
      There was a problem connecting to
      Server returned error: “We were unable to locate the other domain. Please contact your other provider.”
     Learn more
     Learn more
    1. Hello Ashley,

      I would suggest checking your domains DNS as it seems to be parked at the registrar and not to any type of web server. Also there are no MX records for your domain either. I would contact your host/domain registrar to find their best recommendation to move forward to getting your domain resolved.

      Best Regards,
      TJ Edens

  58. Hi JeffMa,

    Is there any other way to access and manage my calendar, other than using Horde?

    I find Horde quite clunky, so if there are other options, I’d love to try them instead.


  59. Hi there, 


    I just started with InMotion hosting and need to get my company’s email’s set up. We are currently hosted through another  company, is it possible to transfer those addresses over or will I have to create them all from scratch here?




  60. I’m trying to set it  up in  my gmail account  but i’m doing something wrong. the activation email never reaches my inbox. 

    I’m configuring as :

    TSL >

    SMTP Server : (the number my cc panel says)\

    Username:  my complete e-mail adress

    Password : My Inmotion e-mail password 

    Port: 465

    I tryed different things, but it never reaches inbox . Help?

    1. Hello Andrei,

      Here is a link to our walk-through guide on Setting up Gmail for POP3 and SMTP.If you have an option between TLS and SSL, choose SSL. Otherwise your setup looks correct. You may need individual account help from our Live Support if you are one of our customers.

      Kindest Regards,
      Scott M

  61. Hi there,

    I tried all 3 provided email clients but none displayed the current email storage. Just want to confirm, do all the email accounts have unlimited storage?


    1. Hello Sherry,

      Thank you for your question. The Email quota size varies, since it was set when you created the email accounts, and they can be set to unlimited.

      You can increase the email quota size in cPanel at any time.

      Also, keep in mind if you are on a VPS or Dedicated server, they have a set hard-drive space based on the hardware you signed up for.

      If you have any further questions, feel free to post them below.

      Thank you,

  62. I just solved my setting on email client with the help from the hosting support. But not in my Balckberry saying login is failed while setting are really the same and the hosting support cannot give me an idea how to solve. For the mail of my account in GMail, Yahoo, Hotmail are OK in the Blackberry phone left only the one from my own domain that was set on cPanel of the hosting provider.

  63. Hi all. It’s really nice discussion here. I have question. My Gmail has no problem on fetching POP3 of my email account that setup using cPanel However my outlook email client failed to retrieve saying invalid mail address or password. Where as I input them exactly the same in GMail ‘Check mail from other accounts (using POP3)’. Do you have any idea why this could happen? Thanks.

    1. Hello Hyip,

      The settings should be the same. If you are using our email servers then you may contact our support team via chat or a phone call and they can help troubleshoot why you are not able to connect by looking at the server logs.

      Kindest Regards,
      TJ Edens

  64. i try to set up outlook and feel i follow all the instructions…. but it’s still failled :((

    it keep saying, Send test e-mail message: Outlook cannot connect to your outgoing (SMTP) e-mail server. If you continue to receive this message, contact your server administrator or Internet service provider (ISP).

    I am so hopeless


    1. Hello Desy,

      Thank you for contacting us. First, I would make sure your email settings are correct, you can view email settings in cPanel at any time.

      If you are using the non-SSL settings, try the SSL settings.

      If you are using the SSL settings, try the non-SSL settings.

      If you are still experiencing problems, contact Live Support so they can walk you through the setup and verify via the logs if you are connecting to the server.

      Thank you,

  65. The Rely or Compose wndow in Squirrel mail is very basic. It doesn’t have formatting options. Can this be enabled?


    Also, the Search should allow advance options. Search takes lot of time and many times, the search fails. I wonder if you can address this.




    1. Hello Naved,

      Thanks for the question. The Squirrel Mail web client is a free option provided to you as an option that you can use to review/compose emails. If you require further functionality, you may want to check out the ROUND CUBE or HORDE webmail clients. They provide more of the options for formatting that you seek. We unfortunately cannot update the SquirrelMail client for you.

      I hope this helps to answer your question, please let us know if you require any further assistance.

      Arnel C.

  66. Hi,


    I have 2 questions here regarding the email.


    First one : when i send some email from my mobile using my above email id it shows in my round cube send folder but when i am downloading the emails to my desktop using POP in windows live mail i cant receive the emails which i send from my phone. Can you please tell me how can i get those emails downloaded also.

    Second one : I have several email ids for my staff with my above domain and i would like to have all the emails (send and received) to be forwarder to one email id. Please advice how can i do that.


    Thanks in Advance.



    1. Hello chandru,

      Thank you for your question. By default, POP only downloads the INBOX and not the other folders including the “Sent.”

      Since you are connecting from several locations (Webmail, Windows Live Mail, and phone), I recommend setting them all up as IMAP. This will allow all devices to see the same emails, since they are stored on the server.

      You can create Forwarders in cPanel, or webmail at any time.

      But, it may be better to use a client such as Windows Live mail to connect to the individual accounts. You can then manage all the emails in one location.

      Thank you,

  67. I have set up 1 email account for my domain   “info@domain”

    How do I set up a “catch-all”  i.e. – “???@domain” and have all mail forwarded to,

    my mail account “info@domain” 

    1. Hello Bruce,

      Thank you for your question. By design, the catch-all is set to :fail: in order to prevent spammers from sending large amounts of unwanted mail to you.

      Learn more in our article on Default / Catch-All Address.

      If you have any further questions, feel free to post them below.

      Thank you,

    1. Hello Therese,

      The roundcube interface does not have a sound feature. Other interfaces such as Thunderbird can be set up to have a sound. Interfaces like Thunderbird, however are installed on your local machine and not signed into via the servers.

      Kindest Regards,
      Scott M

  68. Incoming server:

    IMAP port: 993

    POP3 port: 995


    Outgoing server:

    SMTP port: 465


    Is this the information you’re looking for?

    1. Hello Jeremy,

      Sorry for the problems with email. I created a test email account and then set it up using the secure settings with no problems. I used POP3 for the IMPORT part in Gmail. I also set up “Send Mail as” section with the email address. When Google starts that form for this section, it has the wrong server information AND the wrong user information. The user should always be the full email address. You also need to make sure that ports are correct (995 for POP3 in the Import, 465 for the Send As) and that the SSL option is selected since you elected to use the secure settings. I tested sending an email and the import emails also did not return any errors.

      I hope that helps to resolve the issue! If you have any further questions, please indicate exactly what you’re doing when you go to set it up and we can assist you further.

      Arnel C.

  69. Hi, 

    I am trying to import and send emails through Gmail. However, when I attempt to set my import settings using SSL, it keeps sending back an error message saying that the domain host could not be reached. The import settings I used are exactly as given from the cPanel email settings.

    I can only import using non-secured settings. 

    Please advise.

  70. as mail is not sending to addresses like etc …from this problem will solve ? please need guidance and full detail.


    thank you


    1. Hello Muhammad,

      Are you receiving a bounce-back email when you attempt to send to I checked that domain and do not see that it is one of our accounts, as neither is Yahoo. I would be able to take a look at the server if it was one of ours. But the bounceback email, if you get one, should have helpful information as to why the email was not delivered.

      Kindest Regards,
      Scott M

  71. My master domain is and I’ve been hacked. I need to restore my site using any backup files before 1st July. I’ve tried to FTP my backup files. But the site still can not restore to health. I need your help. Cantact me with email please.Thanks.Davy 

    1. Hello Davy,

      I’m sorry to hear that your account has been hacked. Unfortunately, backups by the automatic backup system within your server typically extend only to 24-36 hours. There will not normally be a backup stored that is older than that. You can restore a backup by requesting it in AMP. You can also use the cPanel File Manager to restore a backup that you may have made.

      If you have further questions, you can reply to this post, or you are welcome to contact our live technical support team for immediate action (contact info is at the bottom of this page).

      Arnel C.

  72. I am going to launch a site from inmotionhosting VPS shortly. I am working on a module that sends email from my site. What should be the smtp setting?


    1. Hello Sudip,

      The settings for SMTP will be the same format as the ones above. Simply use your own server name in the settings along with your own username (email address) and password for authentication.

      Kindest Regards,
      Scott M

  73. Hi

    I use and get all my bussiness mails forwarded to the same address.

    I have a big problem with the address I send from though. I would like to send from Instead of couldnt help, so I really hope that you can.

    1. Hello Peter,

      I’ve gone ahead and removed your personal emails from this post as this information can be viewed publicly when posting a comment here.

      If you want to send from one of your e-mail users on your domain such as then you would need to configure your email client to use that account instead of the one.

      Unfortunately it doesn’t look like allows you to send as a different email user. So you could probably simply login to webmail on your site instead of Then simply reply to any of the messages from there instead of via the interface.

      Alternatively as this guide mentions, you could setup your email client to directly check the account and then just reply from there. That would be ideal instead of having it first go there and then forward off to a account.

      – Jacob

    2. It has nothing to do with converting an existing IMAP account to a POP3 account. That is the subject with which I wanted help.

    3. Hello Rick,

      Thanks for the question, and apologies for the confusion. If you’re trying to convert from IMAP to POP3, please review the tutorial Change Email Protocol to IMAP or POP3.

      That should take you through the process. Please let us know if you require further assistance.

      Arnel C.

    1. Hello Irene,

      When you setup an email client using POP3 to download messages, it will remove mail from the server and retain it locally on your computer.

      If you setup your email client using IMAP, then the messages will remain on the server and any IMAP client can connect to the server to read them.

      So it depends how you have your mail client setup as to how you’d proceed to export your mail. Are you trying to take messages from one e-mail account to another?

      The easiest method of transferring email is setting up two IMAP accounts in the same mail client, then simply dragging messages from one account to the other, to export them over to the second account.

      If you had a more specific question about exporting email. please let us know the scenario you’re working with so we can provide a better answer for you.

      – Jacob

  74. Hi ! I have a problem conserning my email adress that is hosted on my server. Some one else is using my email adress to send spams to other ppl. what can I do to avoid this problem?


    1. Hello Mesfin,

      This is usually due to a compromised, or weak password, or email client(such as Outlook, MacMail, etc.). Please change your email password immediately to stop the outgoing spam from continuing.

      Also, using SPF and Domain Keys can help identify the emails are coming from the correct server.

      If you have any further questions, feel free to post them below.
      Thank you,


  75. How do you archive old emails? I created an Old Email folder and moved my old emails to it, but what do I do after that to reduce the space used in my email account?

    1. Hello Melody,

      Thank you for your question. You can delete the emails manually, or request that Live Support sets up email archiving.

      If you have any further questions, feel free to post them below.
      Thank you,


  76. I made a transfer domain yesterday and now it seems working as I was able to access my cPanel via The probem is that my users are not able to send or recieve emails. I am using Google Apps for some of the staff which they still working fine (send/recieve to each others only). Is there anything I need to change to have this working?

    With refernce to:
    Please note that my current settings in Google Apps > Settings for Gmail > Advanced settings > Destination is pointing to:
    For Unknown mailbox accounts only.Do I need to made any modification here?

    1. Hello JeffMa,

      Thank you so much for following-up with me. Actually it turned out my previous setup was somehow incorrect. Right now everything is working fine so far and I have made two changes although I think the second one should been enough to resolve the issue:

      1 – I switched the MX Records from “Automatically Detect Configuration” to “Local Mail Exchanger” with keeping Google Apps records as they’re.
      – I kept the MX records I created earlier “” but I guess it’s useless though.
      2 – I modifed the destination in Google Apps > Settings for Gmail > Advanced settings from: to my server shared IP, with “Unknown mailbox only” selected. (Accounts hosted in cPanel).
      Split delivery works as it should! =)

    1. Hello Preston,

      Not through the cPanel setup or the individual interfaces. You may, however, set your device up to chime when a new email is received if you use it to check the email on your hosting account. Other than that, you would need to custom code a solution to have a message sent.

      Kindest Regards,
      Scott M

  77. I am trying to use my gmail client to open my inmotion email. But is says “Account misconfig: hostname contains unsafe characters.” when I try to connect to the server. Any suggestions?

  78. Hi, 

    I am unable to retreive emails from my email account that you host for me: 

    Can you please help? 



    1. Hello Elton,

      Sorry for the issues. I’ve gone ahead and removed your email address from this post as this is a publicly viewable post. Are you getting any errors in your mail client? Also, what mail client are you trying to use, and are you able to send out messages and just not receive new ones?

      You might want to double check to see if you can login to webmail directly on the server and see your messages.

      If they are not on the server, then your local email client is not going to be able to connect and retrieve them.

      I see in the mail logs that you have some attempted deliveries into the email account you mentioned. However there have been several messages that are getting blocked by our server because the sending mailing IP address is on a blacklist. The sender’s should be getting a bounce-back from our server explaining the issue. You can read about why mail servers get blacklisted for more information on why this can occurr sometimes.

      The sender should be able to requests a delisting from a blacklist if their IP address is on one. For instance it looks like there was a, and a address trying to send to the email account you’ve mentioned that had their IP address blacklisted on

      Please let us know if you had any further questions at all.

      – Jacob

  79. I am considering using roundcube as our email but need a calendar.  Is there a way to download a calendar?

    1. Unfortunately, Roundcube doesn’t have any calendar functionality, however, Horde does if you would like a webmail solution with calendar support.

  80. I have have a problem with forwarding one email address to anohter.   I am using SSL  i can  log on both accouts and get my mail but the forward looks ok but does not seem to foward the mail.   

    1. Hello Mike,

      I’ve gone ahead and removed your emails from this post as this is viewable by the public. I see that you’ve gone ahead and responded to our automated email notification instead of replying back to this post that your forwarder appears to be working now.

      If you start having issues again, please let us know a general time-frame when you believe message aren’t properly forwarding and we’d be glad to check in the mail logs.

      – Jacob

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