What is Google Cloud Search?

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Google Cloud Search is an enterprise-oriented search utility that allows users to easily and quickly search through Google Workspace applications and related content. Instead of manually reviewing documents and individual applications, Google Cloud Search condenses all of that information into an easily accessible internal search engine. In this article we will discuss Google Cloud Search and explore some of its features.

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What is Google Cloud Search?

As mentioned previously, Google Cloud Search (GCS), is an internal search utility that combines various Google Workspace applications and makes them easily searchable using simple keywords. Here are a few applications that integrate with GCS:

  • Google Docs
  • Google Sheets
  • Gmail
  • Google Drive

Since the applications use Google security permissions, any sharing settings specified for documents and other files will be reflected in the search results. This feature ensures that only users with appropriate permissions can access certain resources, maintaining your privacy and information security. Additionally, since GCS is part of the Google Workspace ecosystem, this feature can be rolled out quickly without any required setup. As soon as GCS is enabled for your organization, users can immediately make use of the search utility for their own workflows.

Why Use Google Cloud Search?

An aspect of GCS that can benefit your organization is the ability to find and identify users based on keyword searches. For example, if you wanted to find users responsible for Billing in your organization, you can use GCS to search for documents and users associated with the keyword “billing”. This type of transparency enhances team communication and promotes inter-departmental synergy.

It is important to note that GCS is only available in the Business and Enterprise editions of Google Workspace and licenses are required for continued use of the software. In addition, Google Cloud Search integrates with 3rd party services such as Salesforce, allowing you to seamlessly search between your Google Workspace and 3rd party applications.

Google Cloud Search F.A.Q.

Can I use 3rd-party apps with Google Cloud Search?

Yes, Google Cloud Search integrates with popular 3rd-party applications such as Salesforce, making it easier to locate information across toolsets and environments.

Can I use Google Cloud Search without a license?

No, Google Cloud Search is only available for certain editions of Google Workspace and an active license is required for use.

Which versions of Google Workspace include Google Cloud Search?

Google Cloud Search is included in the Business Plus and Enterprise editions of Google Workspace. Business Starter and Business Standard do not include Google Cloud Search.

Which Google services are supported by Google Cloud Search?

Google Cloud Search supports the following services:

  • Calendars
  • Contacts (not including personal contacts)
  • Drive
  • Gmail
  • Groups
  • Classic Sites
  • New Sites

What are the limitations of Google Cloud Search?

Google Cloud Search has the following limitations:

  • Search results only include the information in your organization, not other organizations, regardless of sharing status.
  • Deleted and draft emails are not displayed in search results.
  • Only primary calendars are searchable, not secondary or shared calendars.
  • For large documents, searchable text is limited to the first several thousand words in the document.

Next Steps

Now that you’ve familiarized yourself with the uses and features of Google Cloud Search, consider enhancing the quality of your Google Cloud Search results by creating your team events and meetings in Google Calendar.

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