How to update WHOIS in eNomCentral

As of March 15, the IMHStore has been changed to eNomCentral. Please see InMotion Store Changing to eNomCentral for more information.

ICANN domain transfer policies have changed as of December 2016. Be aware that the domain transfer policy (per ICANN) has changed. Updates to contact information are considered a change of ownership and may put a 60-day transfer lock on the domain. Read the article linked above for more information.

Want to sell hosting services using your own personal branding? Check out InMotion’s Reseller Hosting solutions.

Your eNomCentral account has the ability to modify the WHOIS information that is listed for your domain. Follow the steps in this article to learn how to make these changes.

Updating WHOIS

  1. Login to eNomCentral.
  2. Click on Manage Domains.
  3. Select the domain you wish to modify.
  4. When you have selected a domain, you will want to select Contact Information from the drop-down menu for managing your domains. This will bring you the interface that will allow you to make changes to the contact information for that domain.
Select Contact Information
Select Contact Information
  1. Change the Registrant Contact option to Custom in order to make changes.
  2. Make your contact information changes.
Click on Custom to make changes to the contact information
Click on Custom to make changes to the contact information
  1. When you have completed the changes, then click on the Save button.
Click on the radial button in order to select a contact to change
Click on the radial button in order to select a contact to change

At the bottom of the screen (above the Save button), you will see the option to select the Administrative, Billing, or Technical Contact for the domain. Click on the radial button in order to add custom information for the specific contact.

You now know how to make changes to the WHOIS information in eNomCentral! To learn more about eNomCentral and Reseller Hosting, please see our Reseller Hosting Product guide.

Arnel Custodio Content Writer I

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