Softaculous helps make installing software very easy, but it also makes uninstalling programs simple too. In this tutorial, we’ll show you how to uninstall software program using Softaculous.
Uninstalling Software Programs with Softaculous
- Log into your cPanel
- Under the Software/Services heading, click the Softaculous icon
- In the top menu, click the Application Installs button. (Depending on the installation, some VPS and Dedicated servers will have a button named All Installations instead)
- Next to the program you want to uninstall, click
remove icon
- Unless you have a specific reason to not remove everything, you can leave all boxes checked for remove directory, remove database, and remove database user. Click the Remove Installation button to uninstall this program. You will then receive a pop up stating:
These actions are irreversible!
Are you sure you want to remove this installation? - Click OK to complete the removal of the software. When the uninstallation was successful, you will see the following message:
The installation was removed successfully.
After several attempts…….
I finally found the right procedures here….
THANK YOU very much.