Your Managed VPS Hosting plan provides you several cPanel disk usage notifications that provide warnings when resources are being exhausted. Three of these notifications are System disk space usage warning, Disk quota usage warning, and Out of memory warning.
You can easily find these settings in WebHost Manager (WHM) using Tweak Settings. The following tutorial will review how to find these notifications in your VPS. You will also see a large number of other notifications that you can choose to activate.
Note that you will need root access in order to use these directions.
Enable cPanel Disk Usage Notifications
- Log into WHM as the Root user.
In the top left corner, type in “tweak.”
Click on Tweak Settings.
On the Tweak Settings page, click on the tab labeled Notifications.
You will see the notifications that you can set on the Notifications page. Find the notifications that we discussed at the beginning of the article:
System disk space usage Disk Quota Usage Out of memory These notifications are by default set to “on”. If you wish to disable them, then simply click on the “off” radial button, then click on the Save button at the bottom of the page.
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The other notifications that you can find in this section include:
- Account system disk usage “warn” percentage
- Account system disk usage “critical” percentage
- Account disk quota “warn” percentage
- Notify admin or reseller when disk quota reaches “warn” state
- Account disk quota “critical” percentage
- Notify admin or reseller when disk quota reaches “critical” state
- Account disk quota “full” percentage
- Notify admin or reseller when disk quota reaches “full” state
- Account disk quota “full” percentage
- Enable mailbox usage warnings
- Mailbox disk quota “warn” percentage
- Mailbox disk quota “critical” percentage
- Mailbox disk quota “full” percentage
- Bandwidth limit check
Note: Notifications that are in bold in the list above are activated.
You will also see the other available notifications for your account. You can set these options to be enabled or change their threshold for activation.
To mitigate disk usage issues, download cPanel backups to an external drive. Learn more about WHM in our Managed VPS Hosting Product Guide.