How to Show IP Address Usage in WHM

Show IP Address Usage in WHM

An IPv4 address is the numerical address in a format of “” used by your Linux VPS, and other systems connected to the internet, for online communication. Even your smartwatch, and other Internet of Things (IoT) appliances include an IPv4, or IPv6, address.

At times you may want to audit logs on how your IP addresses are being used, especially if you have separate IPs for different domains. There are applications for managing IPs throughout a diverse network. However, you can follow the directions for WebHost Manager (WHM) below to show how cPanel server IPs are used by the websites and applications installed.

You will need to have root access to your cPanel server in order to follow the following instructions.

Show IP Address Usage in WHM

  1. Log into WHM as root user.
  2. In the search bar in the top left-hand corner, type “Show IP Address Usage.” This will bring up the Show IP Address Usage function under the IP functions section in the left column. Click on Show IP Address Usage.
  3. You will then see a table summarizing the websites, file transfer protocol (FTP) domains, and email servers using any IP address(es) connected to your cPanel server.
Show IP Address Usage in WHM

The WHM feature isn’t interactive. It does exactly what the title describes. Still, it is incredibly helpful for cPanel administrators maintaining a large amount of cPanel users and domains. It is a simple method that, combined with other auditing tools in WHM, can help you scope out any domains that aren’t being used anymore.

Learn more about server maintenance with our Managed VPS Hosting Product Guide.

Arnel Custodio Content Writer I

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