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Whether you’re in the beginning stages of creating your content or have everything in a folder and ready to go, you need to be strategic in how you send your content over to your web designer.
Your file naming conventions may make sense to you, but could another person follow your organizational structure? Clearly labeling your content for your web designer takes out the guesswork and allows them to create the website as you envision!
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Organizing Text Content
To leave no room for error, the best way to organize your text content is by webpage using a word processing program like Microsoft Word or Google Docs. The title of the document should be the title of the webpage. For example, if you have an about webpage, you should also have a corresponding document titled ‘About’.
If you have sections within your pages, make sure you indicate that by putting the section titles in bold and in a larger font. With most word processors, you can also add notes within the document as an additional guide to your requests.
Of note, the content on a webpage should not be more than 1-2 pages in a word processor at 12 point font. If your content is particularly long, talk to your web designer about options for organizing the content, like using accordions, or consider breaking up the content into separate pages.
Overall, remember that attention spans are short and concise content is more effective than long content.
Organizing Images And Graphics
When sending over images, make sure the file names are the names of the webpages you would like the images to be placed in.
For example, if you have a headshot you want on the about page, you can name the image headshot_aboutpage.png or just aboutpage.png. This naming convention will clearly tell the web designer where you would like the images to go. You can do the same for a slider or image rotator by naming the images image_rotator1.png, image_rotator2.png, and so on.
As you just saw in the previous examples, it is also best practice to not use spaces in your file names and instead use underscores (_) or dashes (-), moreso when naming images using more than one word.
If you have images that you want the web designer to use but do not have a preference as to where you would like them to go, communicate that with your web designer and only send them 10-15 images. Sending them a folder full of images will slow down the web design process and leaves too much to assumption and guessing.
They may end up choosing images you forgot you had in the folder or meant to take out of the folder before sending the folder to them. Choosing a good pot of images for the web designer to choose from will also allow you to further hone in on your website goals.
When you’re ready to send the images, ask your web designer how they would like you to send them. Usually, zipping them in a folder and emailing them will work. You can also use online services like WeTransfer, Dropbox, or Google Drive.
Now that your content is nicely organized and can be easily understood by your web designer, it’s time to sit back and wait for the revisions process to begin. You’re one step closer to receiving the website you’ve been envisioning!
If you’re looking for a great team to create your website, check out our custom web design team! Comprised of web design experts and professionals, the team creates beautiful, modern WordPress websites. You’ll also receive rounds of revisions, a walkthrough to show you how to complete updates, and you’ll own the website once it’s launched!