Why Do Images Appear Smaller on My Joomla Website?

  • Answered
Hello Community,

I have an image that has the dimensions of 2400 x 3100, but when I upload the image into my webpage it keeps on showing up as 646 x 1200.

Can someone please explain why this is happening?


Hello Carlton, Sorry for the confusion over the image size that you're seeing in your Joomla! website. The size of the image that you're uploaded may be controlled by the CSS or the theme that is used by Joomla. So, in spite of the ACTUAL size of the image, the displayed image designated by Joomla may be much smaller. For websites, this is atypical because you do not want to display a 2400x3100 pxel image on a website as it will load MUCH slower than a 646 x1200 pixel image. This is done for website performance and helps to provide a positive website experience for your visitors. If you want to change the size of the image, then you will need to find the template/theme files that control the images to be displayed. I hope this helps to answer your question, please let us know if you require any further assistance. Regards, Arnel C.