How can I notify you of spam

  • Answered
I keep getting spam that I have added tp blocked senders in my email client program.

I just enabled Spam Assasin, and hope that helps. But not being teh=chno-savvy...
I don't really understand the point system yet. I'll be spending more time with that.

I'm getting emails with a "bounce_my email address= my email address@the domain the mssgs are coming from"... sort of format.

Any help will be appreciated
Thank You
Hello KC, Thank you for your question on Spam notification. The Spam score for Spam Assassin is kind of a point system. So, if you set the Spam Assassin to 5, an email must get 5 spam points to be considered spam. A lower score means that it needs fewer spam points to be considered spam. I'm not sure what you mean about the last thing. Are you getting email bounces saying that your emails are spam? Or are you getting notifications of spam that was sent to you? Kindest Regards, Scott M