How can I notify you of spam
I keep getting spam that I have added tp blocked senders in my email client program.
I just enabled Spam Assasin, and hope that helps. But not being teh=chno-savvy...
I don't really understand the point system yet. I'll be spending more time with that.
I'm getting emails with a "bounce_my email address= my email address@the domain the mssgs are coming from"... sort of format.
Any help will be appreciated
Thank You
I just enabled Spam Assasin, and hope that helps. But not being teh=chno-savvy...
I don't really understand the point system yet. I'll be spending more time with that.
I'm getting emails with a "bounce_my email address= my email address@the domain the mssgs are coming from"... sort of format.
Any help will be appreciated
Thank You