Migrating emails to GAFE

  • Answered
After using the “Google Apps Wizard” in CPanel, will I be able to migrate my faculty’s legacy email data to Gmail? The Google Apps for Education data migration service requires an SSL certificate “signed and trusted by a third-party root certificate authority”. Will the “secure121.inmotionhosting.com” mail server qualify? If not, what steps must I take to enable the migration?
Hello sbmsDave, Thanks for the question about the Google Apps Wizard in the cPanel and migrating legacy data. The Google Apps Wizard is made to quickly modify MX records for your account in order for emails to be delivered to Google Apps. The wizard unfortunately does not provide a way to migrate legacy email data. Our server does have a verified certificate. You can check it here. This is a shared server, so if you try to verify based on the server name, note that it will not match the domain name of the account. I hope this helps to answer your question, please let us know if you require any further assistance. Regards, Arnel C.