How can I access directories that are on the same level of the...

  • Answered
How can I access directories that are on the same level of the public_html folder?

consider this (Same numbering means same leveling in the directory) I have:

[1] other folder (along public_html)
[2] folder one
[3] folder two
-> image.jpg (other folder/folder one/ folder two/image.jpg)
[1] public_html

How can I call image.jpg from that directory? This is a limitation so far with I am using, that I can only access the file from there due to framework constrains.
Thanks for the answer.

Sorry for the problem accessing files under the public_html. Based on the information you have provided we don't know if you're trying to get to the file via a browser, through FTP, or through SSH.

If you're in a browser, you can access files in PUBLIC_HTML by simply typing in the domain name and then a '/', then the file name. Public_html is the root of the primary domain (e.g.

If you're making an FTP account, and you want that FTP account to have PUBLIC_HTML access, then you need to change the root folder when you create the account - otherwise, it will only have access to the files BELOW the created account. If you login to FTP with your cPanel user name, then you immediately have access to ALL of the files under your account.

If you're using SSH, then you would have to CD (change directory) into the public_html folder to see the files.

I hope this helps to answer your question, please let us know if you require any further assistance. Regards, Arnel C.