Summary GeoTag Blog Post

  • Answered
In a past blog I was able to Geotag each blog post and link those markers in a summary map. I see many mapping plugins. I was looking for one that integrated like the Geotag button, (works with IOS) and is free. Bottom line I want one "Blog Map" page that pins each post I write, and I can tag them as I write them on the go in IOS app. Seems easy but I have been struggling to find this outside of the free page.
Hello PhaTrevor, Thanks for the question about geotagging your blog posts. We unfortunately cannot provide that service for you, and I'm not sure if you're using any particular website software like WordPress. If you are using WordPress (not the site), then you may consider plugin. Otherwise, you will need to explore geotagging services that are available on the web. We are not familiar with a "free" service for this purpose, and you may need to consult with a developer in order to integrate it with your website. Apologies that I can't give you a direct answer. If you have any further questions or comments, please let us know. Regards, Arnel C.