Zip/Postal Code problems in Prestashop

  • Answered
A lot of Prestashop users are having trouble with the zip code validation. When the zip code format field in Localization - Countries is left blank or filled with the correct format it puts a red X next to the zip code, so that it looks like it will not accept it.

It will accept it and the customer will be able to continue checkout, but as an online shopper, I would assume that something was wrong.

My version is I didn't have this problem in, but I have seen forum posts about this issue all the way back to 1.4. If anyone out there has a solution, it would be appreciated.
Hello deigam5, Sorry to hear you are having an issue with Zip Code validation within PrestaShop. I did some research on the subject and the official step to fix it is: "You need to update your theme and more specificaly this file" This was directly from the PrestaShop bug forum. That should get you all set. Kindest Regards, Scott M