PrestaShop will not confirm order

  • Answered
For the past week, InMotion Support has been trying to transfer our website,, from HostGator to InMotion. After at least 3 attempts, we can fill the shopping cart and complete the checkout form. However, The orders will not process at the final stage of checkout. There is a full history of events in our emails with tech support, as well as, our login credentials for both HostGator and the back office of our PrestaShop site.

Please see what you can do.

Walt Brygier
Hello Walt,

Apologies for the problems with the website transfer problems from HostGator. This kind of thing is typically researched and handled by a specific team of people here. However, as per your request, I will look into the issue and see if I can help. I will update this response if I can find anything to help with the issue.

Apologies for the continued problems. If you have any further questions or comments, please let us know.

Arnel C.