Fatal Error installing a Woo Commerce plugin

  • Answered
Hi I am a new wordpress user. I have installed woocommerce and need to install WooCommerce Product Add-ons. However, when I try to install I get the following error:

Plugin could not be activated because it triggered a fatal error.

This plugin requires WooCommerce & WooCommerce Product Add-ons plugins to be active!

I have been trying to troubleshoot it and am not having any luck. I am speaking about the setup for temptatia.com but need to run this on multiple sites. I thought it might need a memory bump so I installed and activated the Memory Bump plugin and the results are the same. I don't know where to turn at this point. I'd sure appreciate it if someone could lend hand.
Thanks in advance! Dee
Hello Dee, Thank you for contacting us about a fatal error when installing the WooCommerce Product Addons. I found a similar question in the official WooCommerce forums, where they provide the following official answer: "It sounds like something happened to your WooCommerce installation. In your Plugins menu, you should deactivate and delete WooCommerce from that list. Then, re-install WooCommerce like you did before. Since your information is stored on the database and not in the plugin folder, it should all appear there." Let us know if you have any further questions. Thank you, John-Paul