Webhosting for Portuguese e-commerce site
I have been browsing the web looking for a new hosting for our small business wordpress e-commerce website.
I like your ssd servers, SSH access and you come highly recommended.
Speed is of great importance to us. so I'd like to know if you think if it's a good idea for a european company to host the website in america? Or do you have servers in europe?
Also: is it possible to create a static domain on your hosting for a faster loadtime?
And does the "Power" hosting plan include a fixed IP? That might be important for some payment options for the e-commerce site.
thanks for your reply,
I have been browsing the web looking for a new hosting for our small business wordpress e-commerce website.
I like your ssd servers, SSH access and you come highly recommended.
Speed is of great importance to us. so I'd like to know if you think if it's a good idea for a european company to host the website in america? Or do you have servers in europe?
Also: is it possible to create a static domain on your hosting for a faster loadtime?
And does the "Power" hosting plan include a fixed IP? That might be important for some payment options for the e-commerce site.
thanks for your reply,