ecbiz182 is Listed on the CBL

  • Answered
Hi!, functioning with IP is listed on the CBL. I see the link for removal, however I would like to ensure whatever spambot/botnet issue has been resolved before requesting removal. I'm not sure how to verify that my directory of the server is not infected. Is it alright to request removal? What should I do to ensure I'm not causing the problem?

Hello, Sorry for the problem with the server being listed on a blacklist. When I checked it, it was only being listed in a really old list called Spamhaus. Check out our Blacklist checker article for further details. If your emails are not being delivered, then you should be getting a bounce-back email message. Please submit averified support ticket along with a copy of the bounce message so that they can verify it, then work to get the server de-listed. You can also request a malware scan for your account in the ticket. I hope this helps to answer your question, please let us know if you require any further assistance. Regards, Arnel C.