Getting Started Tutorials for Databases?
Are there any beginners tutorials on how to access web-databases through web pages? I am currently teaching myself how to set up online databases and although I have figured out how to use the inMotion database tools, I can't find where the database file is saved. Is there a getting started tutorial on how to use the databases that I create in web pages?
To give a bit more information, I am trying to create a web page that will present the user with math problems to solve. When they complete the problem, I want the web page to store in the database the username, the problem that was given to them, and their answer. Then I want the web page to use information in the database to determine if the user is ready to move on to more difficult lessons or if they need to practice more on the current lesson.
To give a bit more information, I am trying to create a web page that will present the user with math problems to solve. When they complete the problem, I want the web page to store in the database the username, the problem that was given to them, and their answer. Then I want the web page to use information in the database to determine if the user is ready to move on to more difficult lessons or if they need to practice more on the current lesson.