Implement WooCommerce Into Site
I downloaded and installed the WooCommerce plugin but I can't figure out how to implement it onto my site pages. I want to set it up as an ecommerce site so items can be purchased, but I don't know how. I've looked for tutorials but I don't see any that address what I need.
Thanks for your questions about Woocommerce and implementing it into an existing site. Unfortunately, e-commerce, in general, isn't something that can be explained in a quick article or answer. The good news is, as I'm typing this, one of our community members is putting together a comprehensive guide to using Woocommerce. There's lots of things to consider when thinking about selling items online. Just to name a few, shipping calculators, tax tables, promotion codes, and complex products. When he's further along in the next few days, we'll be sure to post a link here to the channel.
Tim S