My combinations show up but are not acting right in product preview.

  • Answered
If you click on one of the combination choices during prudct preview, the options show up but if you click on one that should increase the price, it doesn't show the price increase and within two seconds it will default back to the default combination.
Hello SSmall, Thank you for your contacting us about an issue with product combinations. I navigated to the site you provided privately, and was unable to replicate the problem. We are happy to help you troubleshoot your site further, but will need some additional information. Can you provide the steps for us to take to test this issues? How did you build your site? For example are you using the Premium Web Builder, PrestaShop, WooCommerce? Are you using any Themes or Plugins? Which ones? If you have any further questions, feel free to post them below. Thank you, John-Paul