Adding custom HTML to header

  • Answered
Can someone please tell me how to add custom HTML to my header? I want a contact box with my email address (with a hyperlink) and phone number (no link) to show up on every page of my website in the header.
I have no idea how to do this or where to find information for doing such. I need DETAILED instructions, please.
IMH Support Agent 5
Hello dthw, Thank you for contacting us about adding custom HTML information to a header. This depends on how your site is coded. For example, if you use WordPress, you would edit the header.php file that comes with your theme. You can add HTML elements to that file and they will show up on every page that calls for the header. If your site is self-coded then you may already know where you header information is located, and you can edit it directly. You can edit the files with whichever text editor you prefer, or you can edit the files with cPanel File Manager. Best, Christopher M.