Removing my site

  • updated
  • Answered

I have a Wordpress site using BoldGrid. The site is

I want to totally remove it because I am using another platform, Squarespace.

Please help me to accomplish this task.


Richard Sher


IMH Support Agent 5
Hello Richard, Thank you for contacting us about removing your BoldGrid to use Squarepace. You can uninstall Boldgrid as you would with any other plugin, and you can always turn it back on if you change your mind. Likewise, you can also leave Boldgrid on your server as it stands and still use Squarespace if that option works well for you. At the moment Squarespace does not allow a package of their software to be installed on your server, as WordPress does. So you will only be able to point your domain to Squarespace's servers to in order to use your site there. Best, Christopher M.