I can't access my Laravel pages through web browser

  • Answered
I'm trying to use Laravel to route information from my mySQL server to an android application. The problem is I can't seem to get to the pages in my routes file.

Routes file is in dir/app/Http/routes.php
one of the lines in the Routes file is:
Route::get('welcome', function () {
return 'PUSKLES';
//odd text just for giggles

I've tried going to bacogcorp.com/welcome and bacogcorp.com/dir/welcome but I keep getting 404 errors.
Hello aazahn, Sorry to hear you are having issues with your pages showing up with Laravel. Are you having issues with all routes or are the default routes working and additional routes not working? Unfortunately we do not have any experience with this specific framework, but I did find a link to a thread that hopefully will help you. Give that a check and see if that gives some insight. Kindest Regards, Scott M