Modifying and deleting Grid blocks

  • Answered
Using BoldGrid, I generated few pages in two ways: using existing grid blocks, and generating my own blocks in blank page. I faced a little proble and wish that you can help resolve. In Existing Grid Blocks, when I try to delete some of the blocks in the middle or lower part of the page, the page jumps to the top and the "Clone, Delete" list disappears; therefore I couldn't delete these blocks. In the blank page, the text and media blocks fit to the whole width of the page and there is no way to shorten them, so that I can put them next to each other.
How can I delete the unneeded grid blocks from existing grid blocks? And how can I control the width of the grid blocks in a blank page.

Thank you for your question on modifying and deleting GridBlocks. I will try and test for the issue you are having with the "Clone, Delete" list disappearing and mention that to the development team. As far as deleting them, you can always switch to the "Text" tab and then locate and delete the div that is the specific gridblock you wish to remove.

For the width issue, you will want to simply add more columns to the row. Two columns will divide the row into half, three into thirds, etc. Then the content will fill the width column area.

Kindest Regards,
Scott M