
Boldgrid vacation theme glitch

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  • Answered

I am having difficulty customizing my Boldgrid Wordpress website. On all my pages except the front page, there is a banner area with a dark gray patterned background right below my site logo that I'm unable to edit or get rid of. I went through the customize menus but couldn't find a way to edit. When I look at individual pages it's not there. Here is a pic:

Image 84

I contacted your chat support, but was unable to solve the problem or provide me with any sort of guidance. I did a google search and found that others had the same problem:

Image 86

I am building the simplest of websites. I was sold on the premise that Boldgrid/WordPress/Inmotion were the best possible option because of CUSTOMER SUPPORT. How is it that I can't edit a simple background pattern out of a template and your tech support can't do better than to say good luck? Is there ANYONE at your organization who can help me?

IMH Support Agent 1

Hello steveslazarus,

Thank you for contacting us about issues with a BoldGrid theme. I'm very sorry to hear about the experience you had. InMotion does provide support for Boldgrid and they should have reached out to the BoldGrid team for assistance. I have notified the TechSupport leadership so they can address this.

When I review the site associated with your email, I am not seeing the dark gray background. Are you still having issues at this time?

Thank you,
