new staged boldgrid page won't format

  • Answered
I'm creating a "staged" site working from copied, existing pages from my current site. When inserting a new grid block and editing the content, once saved or published... and then viewed, the columns are all screwed up. For example, the three column Grid Block is all off center to the webpage header and the columns are squeezed to the left install of a nice balanced layout (as was shown in the chosen Grid Block). Could there be something in the formatting of the old themed pages, that is messing up the new BoldGird pages? I tried adding a new page rather than copying from the old site, but that didn't seem to solve anything.

Thank you for your question regarding BoldGid. Can you please provide the url to your staging environment so we may look at it ourselves? Also are you viewing it on a small screen as keep in mind the pages are responsive so if viewed on a smaller screen the columns will merge.

Best Regards,
TJ Edens